[color=yellow]"Understood, Aspen?"[/color] The Princess quickly scanned her hostess's eyes and expression before nodding her head in agreement. Her fingers gently stroked the length of Fin's back comfortingly. [color=e29d9d]"Understood, Your Highness,"[/color] Aspen replied. [color=e29d9d]"I'm rather restless, so I don't believe I'll delay unless you wish me to. Do allow me a moment to change into some lighter commoner's clothes, though."[/color] She rose to her feet, knees popping rather loudly and hips feeling achy and creaky. On light feet, she padded across the sitting room along the plush ebony carpets and through the door. As soon as she got out of sight, she parted her skirts and fished around for the pocket containing Fin, whom she swiftly freed from her confines. [color=e29d9d]"Sorry to squish you up in there, Finny, but I worried the queen might have been frightened by your appearance,"[/color] she murmured softly, cupping the fairy between two dainty palms. [color=e29d9d]"How much of our exchange could you hear? We shan't remain in the palaces for much longer. We will have a bit of an adventure with the queen's commonfolk."[/color] She beamed brightly and rocked onto her toes, bouncing gently on her heels to release some of the energy building up beneath all of her skirts and skin. Aspen had rarely encountered anyone not considered an aristocrat, and even in those instances, such people were usually timid young soldiers or one of her insufferable husbands. [i]But not all people must be that way when born without riches, right?[/i] she reasoned with herself. She was sure that the woods would hold wonderful humans and perhaps a few other species, too. And so what if she was caught? The whole world respected the kingdom her parents maintained. They were mediators, not fire-starters, and all from the surrounding countries knew it. The Princess would be respected and admired, and perhaps she would be so talented as to convince the commonwealth of the so-called "evil" queen's true goodness. Nothing but good could come of this adventure, she was sure of it. Nothing but good would come of her mission.