Sam Duval went mostly unnoticed as he made his way to The Mountain tavern. Periodically he would pass a traveler, but none paid him any heed - perhaps he looked too much like a beggar in his current hooded robe. He was still in Ruritania, so he felt that he would be wise to keep his identity hidden until he reached his destination. It was still extremely dark out - perhaps around 3:00 AM. The moon was going down again, and the starlight was only barely enough for him to see the road. He could smell the swamp from where he was, and it was still a bit over an hour's walk to reach The Mountain tavern. A massive mosquito landed on his shoulder, then mostly fell off, onto the ground. Its legs were still attached to Sam's cloak, and he flipped a Two of Clubs around between his fingers a couple times before shuffling it back into his deck. Further walking eventually revealed the figure of the tavern in the shadows, gleaming with lantern light. Sam hurried his pace and saw that the place was an absolute wreck. [color=ed145b][i]Probably tended by a fat ogre or something. This place is a total dump[/i][/color], he thought to himself. The stench wasn't getting any better, either. He walked around the tavern once, looking through all of the windows as he went, looking for anybody who seemed vaguely knightly in their beds. He wanted to make certain that it was the right place - and he wanted to make certain that they were competent. The poster he had read hadn't made any mention of the tavern looking like it'd been hit by a bomb, but for all he knew, that could have happened after the posting was made. He found his mark at 4:40 AM - too late to bother renting a room. He waited outside the tavern on the Undead side - out of the jurisdiction of Ruritanian authorities - and stripped himself of his robe, which didn't even belong to him in the first place. The lantern light mixed with the moonlight and starlight, and eventually the dawn, illuminating his painted face in a most ghostly fashion and highlighting the card suits that adorned it.