Ciara flew and flew through the forest underneat the brances of the many trees that stood around her. She felt the eye's of her persuers in her back as well as the force of blessed arrows being shot at her, wich she skillfully dodged. ''you filthy witch, stop running away and atone for your sins. You killed one of my men that day!'' The elder witch hunter yelled as he shot another arrow at Ciara. Again she dodged it and turned around flying close over the head of the hunters. ''For the record that was not me, and if we are doing this for revenge thatn I hav a few good storis to tell ya all as well. You lot killed my mother, dozens of my fellow witches. I also lost a friend that evening!'' Ciara shouted loosing her cool. She knew better that to go into the taunts of the hunters ,but this time she became a bit to angry. ''ahh yes. That is right. What was her name again. Oh yes, I remember again, Bea. I do believe she burned rather well'' The elder hunted taunted some more and Ciara's eye's seemed to catch fire. She turned around and charched towards the hunter while he grinned, seeming pleased with the fact that his taunt had worked. ''come at me witch'' He said as he pulled another blessed Arrow and aimed. ''basterd!'' Ciara shouted as a black mass gaterd at the tip of her wand. ''Mistress, watch out'' Surgat shouted as Ciara jumped of her staff to aim her spell. ''inane nigrum'' Ciara chanted and at the same time the hunter released his arrow with a grin. It was aimed at her heart, sure to hit. Ciara triend to dodge but she stupidly had let go of the only thing that let her move in midair and now she was an easy target. Just as Ciara closed her eye's apologizing in her head to her demons a chain wrapped itself around her middle pulling her downwards. Ciara's spell misfired and hit a tree wich immediatly witherd away. The arrows hitpoint was changed in just a split of a second and instead of drilling itself into her heart it hit her shoulder making her wimper in pain. with a loud 'tud' she hit the ground, only to immediatly be pulled away from the hunters towards a maiden clothed in chains. ''ketten, thank you'' Ciara said relieved as she laid her hands on the Arrow. It immediatly reppeled her as it was blessed. Just as Ciara wanted to stand up she felt more than half of what was remainign of her mana dissapead in one bit. 'Botis is doing some great spell' She thought relieved. This ment she only had to distact the hunters here for a bit longer. Ciara as well decided it was time for a bigger spell and raised both her arms, her right shoulder with some trouble for the arrow was still in it but she managed. ''somnum nocte, somnium nocte, non die'' Ciara chandet as the sky seemed to darken for a split second. Then a black fog taking on the form of hounds started to run around the hunters making them close their eye's before falling into a sleep. ''curse you witch. My friend will get you'' The elder hunter said as he feared for his life. ''no worries old men, I don't kill'' She said before the men shut their eyes. ''you will wake up tomorrow or so ''she said