While Victor made to question rose, Luciel looked over her in the direction she was facing the a grip on her stick. He may have been wrong about the figures all around them, but the writhing tentacles of the entity were unmistakably alive. Shouldering his crossbow, he aimed at the ground slightly in front of the figure since Rose was apparently attempting to communicate with whatever it was. This approach isn't one that Luciel would have picked, but he doubted how much effect his crossbow would have...assuming he could even strike a vital point, wherever it was in the creature. An attempt to talk it down from any inherent hostility it could harbor appeared as viable as a preemptive strike...which wasn't saying much. Regardless, Luciel had already played himself as a fool in regards to the 'scarecrows' which Gish's explanation validated. They were hideous and foul, but as long as they stayed inanimate, the chimera found it easy to put them out of his mind in favor of more pressing matters. As composed and logical as the thoughts leading to Luciel's rational in resisting the urge to spend another round to test [i]this[/i] mysterious figure, he openly trembled...more than what others could percieve as 'usual' by now. Ears folding back and a curiously eyeing Unyat, eyeing them up. Today had tested his nerves, and his rashness was attributed to being out of his element, though now with weapons to fight back his anxiety and those that caused it.