Lila's efforts were not in vain it seemed as everyone nearby appeared to rally to their aid. Quite an odd assortment of races at that. Not one of them was alike. She had not the time to question how or why they were gathered together though. Wasting no time in chatter the orc woman took her mighty hammer to the Pursuer's head. Much to Lila's surprise the blow didn't seem to phase it's target. However the attack was followed up by the stone creature attacking the arm holding the axe while the other newcomer seemed to understand what she was trying to do with her webbing. With the immediate threat of being sliced in two gone Lila felt a bit more bold. Mathias had the right idea in immobilizing the larger foe. It was how she often approached pray. Once it could no longer move it made easy pickings. The others having its attention she scurried around and jumped on the Pursuer's back. It was struggling to free itself from the gargoyle's grip but her eight legs held fast. As quick as she could she touched the end of her spinneret to one leg and moved back and forth between the two legs, working her way upward. Creating a zigzag pattern of strong sticky webbing her hope was as the monster struggled it would find its legs bound ever closer together. In the tussle she missed the other arm of the Pursuer reaching back to grab her. Being pulled from its back by its unusual strength she was tossed aside like she was nothing. Bouncing off the floor several times she managed to right herself mostly unscathed. From a distance she realized the one that had been holding the lantern could very soon find himself in bad position if she didn't free him from the strands of web he'd grabbed to assist. Hurrying over she pleaded. [color=slateblue]"Please hold still while I free you."[/color] The front two of her legs reaching out toward where he'd grabbed the web she made quick work of unsticking him.