[center][h1]||[color=82ca9d]Felix Leverett[/color]||[/h1][/center][hr][hr] Felix stared out the car's tinted windows, his breath trembling ever so slightly as he took in the sight. This was it. This was finally it. He had seen the school before through websites and pamphlets, so he knew what it looked like. The red bricks, the looming buildings, the sophisticated architecture--all familiarized in preparation for his upcoming arrival. But to be here now and actually see the campus with his own eyes? It was overwhelming to say the least. [i]This[/i] was going to be his school. Not that cold, lifeless prep school full of teasing faces and unforgotten mistakes. This was a new place, with new faces and a new life. [color=fdc68a]"Nervous?"[/color] His mother's voice broke through Felix's thoughts, momentarily startling the young man. She peered into the rear view mirror, her dark eyes meeting her son's crimson. They were gentle, filled with a soft light that was mirrored in Felix's own, but also laced with unhidden concern. Felix laughed, a warm sound full of mirth an amusement. It was a stark contrast to his shaking insides. [color=82ca9d]"Please, Mother."[/color] He winked. [color=82ca9d]"I never get nervous." [/color] He grabbed his suitcase, pausing to kiss his mother's cheek, before stepping outside. Felix watched as the car pulled away before he turned his attention back to the looking walls before him. There was no turning back now. With a brilliant smile, He strode forward toward the school. Students milled about, laughing and chatting earnestly. The air was infectiously lively, giving Felix a small bounce to his step. There were no familiar faces, no familiar voices, no familiar anything. Everything was so foreign and new. Yet somehow, it only served to fill him with excitement. Knowing where to go was his biggest challenge so far. After asking multiple students for directions (and perhaps even their phone numbers), Felix was redirected to a security station for his ID card and room assignment. He gave the guard a sheepish smile as he fumbled on his phone for his letter of acceptance and slipped it to the guard. [color=82ca9d]"Sorry,"[/color] he laughed as it was scanned and the ID printed. [color=82ca9d]"You see, I'm quite new here and I'm not used to such--oh, guess I'll be seeing you later!" [/color]He took back his phone and brand new card as he as unceremoniously pushed from the line by the student behind him. With a wave to the stone-face guard, Felix made his way into the hallway. A few turns and a set of steps later, Felix was at his dorm number. He glanced back and forth between the door and the acceptance letter. This was it. Or at least, he hoped so. One could never be too sure whether or not you were stepping into your new room or the broom closet. He scanned his card, sighing in relief as it worked, and stepped inside. The room was fairly plain. Not too spacious, not too cramped. There was a bathroom, thank goodness, and it had basic furnishings as well. A few beds, a desk, a girl, a dresser-- Felix eyes snapped back, surprise evident on his face. A girl?! And very pretty one at that! He glanced at the letter, reading and rereading the text quickly. It had mentioned roommates, but not coed. He looked up, giving the girl a warm smile. [color=82ca9d]"Well, this is certainly quite a surprise,"[/color] he greeted, extending a hand. [color=82ca9d]"You must be my new roomie. My name is Felix Leverett. Pleasure to meet you."[/color]