granted. you are now alone on earth, you cant drive a plane cause there is no one to teach you, no one to cook fine dining, [b]no one to be there to help you when you get hurt...[/b]your stuck on this ghost town of a planet. no where to go, no one to talk to. when you asked for this wish, your family was included and faded away as well. the loneliness made you go insane and want to join the other humans..heaven or hell, you didn't care...just wanted to have someone to talk to. you start to talk to inanimate objects to cope. this worked until you accidently throw the object, a beach ball, into a cactus garden. you then snap and fall in with the beach ball you called friend. not wanting to wait till deaths sweet embrace, you stabbed your self till your no more in the overworlds, you wake up to find everyone you killed with your wish in both dimensions. they, and their leaders decided to put you in hell for the mass genocide you caused. [color=9e0b0f]Have fun.[/color] I wish for a turret.