[quote=@seanmcchapman] Okay thank you- sorry If I missed anything before. I'll see about battling someone I know and get back to you if it works out thank you- Also nice avatar lol... So you're the last of your people, the last of the ones who've fought in the arena who's stayed. Tell me was it all worthwhile and what was your fondest memory of the arena? ^^"" [/quote] ImportantNobody pre-dates me and they're still around, but you're right in that most of the veterans have dissapeared. That being said, I don't regret it, I've had some fights that have had some genuine gravitas and that I've really enjoyed over the years. Fury and Kanitah's rivalry, while brief, was amazing. Fury managed to get all the good fights, his rivalry with General Freedom was always great for superman esque city destruction, and if I ever get to finish his arc I have no doubt his battle with Skallagrim will be excellent. My fondest memory however was one of the most nonsensical battles I've ever participated in. Though that was entirely down to me and my insane character. It was a mess around between me, Khan, Skallagrim and some others where we fought as literal gods. I was playing the god of madness, and in a short time I managed to impale someone with the Eiffel tower, explode into hundreds of tiny melonhead creatures, create an armarda of melons that flew to the music of ride of the Valkyries and have someone try and get me banned because I ate their homeplanet. It was the most hilarious fight I'd ever seen.