[center][img]https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR44lElBHaOK_I5PJfEOEQAZnZOQNIBD_FOXQY51J5GZH3GyCPC[/img][/center] Nightwing maintained his stance, but the assassins did not attack. There was a brief pause first, then a new arrival broke the tension. The elevator doors opened up, revealing exactly the person he had come here to see. Upon her word, all the assassins stood down. Such was the power carried in the words of the Daughter of the Demon. Feeling the sense of danger pass, Nightwing also put away his escrima and took a more relaxed stance, but he did not completely drop his guard. [color=royalblue]"When I asked to be taken to their leader, I never expected you'd come meet me. I hope you're doing well, Talia."[/color] From anyone else, his words might have come across as sarcastic and snarky. From Dick Grayson, it was clear he was being sincere. As soon as Talia began moving toward the elevator, he followed suit without pause. Once they were on their way and out of earshot of the assassins, he began speaking. [color=royalblue]"Seeing as how you're not trying to have me killed right now, I guess that means you're not responsible."[/color] There was no need to elaborate, that would only insult Talia's intelligence. There was no doubt she knew exactly to what he referred. [@Jinny] [hr][hr] [center][img]http://cdn-static.denofgeek.com/sites/denofgeek/files/styles/article_main_wide_image/public/2015/11/constantine_matt_ryan_arrow.jpg?itok=GV02uuG0[/img][/center] Bloody city full of tossers and bollocks. Bloody in both ways, thinking on it. Not many places could match Gotham for murders per capita, assaults, petty crimes, so on and so forth. Still, beat a lot of places he'd been before, not that Hell provided a very high bar for quality of life and hospitality. John Constantine stood beneath the front of city hall, just beneath the large sign emblazoned with [b]No Smoking[/b], lighting up one of his favorite Silk Cut cigarettes and taking a long drag. Nearby a police officer shot him a dirty look, one that Constantine repaid in kind. When the officer pointed directly at John's cigarette hand, he simply mouthed back, "Oh, this?" before putting it out on the wall of the building itself, shooting the officer a smirk as he did so. The police man gave a sigh, then took a couple steps toward Constantine, no doubt to give him one of those famous Gotham PD beatdowns he'd heard so much about. Once they were a few feet away from one another, the policeman began with, "You see here, punk-" [color=brown]"Before we get into a row, we really ought to work out a safe word, ya think mate? I'm thinkin' 'cabbage."[/color] Before the officer could react, most likely to either cuff the mouthy Englishman or simply sock him one in the jaw, a voice cried out, "THEYAH'S A TAHM BAHMB INNIS BAAA~AAAG!! TACTICAL NUKE, SET TAH GO OFF IN FAHVV MINNUTS, SMOKE EVERAHTHIN' FAH MILES!!" The officer gave pause, looked around, then suddenly bolted from the scene. Not too much longer and there was a whole stampede of people charging away in a fit and tizzy. [color=brown]"What's with these blokes?"[/color] Constantine asked aloud to nobody in particular. Rather than stampede away like the local Gothamites, he calmly walked in the direction of a dufflebag that had been set nearby. Luckily not many people were in a hurry to get in his way. Funny thing. Most people tended to run [i]away[/i] from a crisis. Somehow John always gravitated [i]towards[/i] them. Funny thing, eh? Upon reaching the bag, he leaned down, popped another cigarettes into his mouth, opened the zipper, lit that tasty cancer stick, and examined the contents. Constantine chuckled to himself, then went to work on the thing, maneuvering his hands about the bag for a few moments before emptying it. What did he pull out for all the world to see? [color=brown]"False alarm, mates. Just a teddy bear, ya nervous wanks."[/color] He tossed the stuffed bear aside with a grin. This would certainly be embarrassing for [i]someone[/i] now wouldn't it? Still, it was only a distraction from what he really came here for. Constantine sighed, blowing a long string of smoke from his mouth as he reminded himself just why he had come to Gotham City. A cult of demon worshippers had setup shop here. They'd left a trail of sacrifices and bodies around the world, leading John Constantine right to Gotham City. If his theories turned out to be true, then they couldn't be allowed to complete the ritual of... Some such blood sucking skorge of nonsense, really all those nutters came off the same. Point was, bad things would happen and he aimed to ensure bad things happened to the [i]right[/i] people. [@Doc Doctor][@Krot]