Okay I couldn't help it and started writing a Nation up. As you see it is still very much WIP. [hider=Indacissima Republicca Turchina] [b]Nation Name[/b] Indacissima Republicca Turchina The Bluest Republic of Turchina [b]Flag [/b] [img height=100]http://s31.postimg.org/yqj0fp42z/flag.png[/img] [b]coat of arms [/b] [img height=100]http://s31.postimg.org/vgr9ndsrv/coa.png[/img] [b]Nation Overview [/b] Starting out from a number of Villages around the swampy estuary of the River Fiore in Ancient Times, a Trading city took shape after the building of the Grand Bridge. The Blue City grew over time, as her Ships, ever following the Coast, brought in the exotic riches of the Orient. Spices, Gems, Tapestries and Carpets, Silks, but most of all Indigo. The Blue Colour was highly sought after and even though it was beginning to be cultivated in the vicinity soon, none could match the Vibrant blue of Turchinas Indigo. With wealth came the rise of the great families, and soon Turchina sought independence from the Noble Lords, and was granted it. The Republic grew rapidly thanks to the wealth to raise armies and Build fleets of Ships to conquer a few Oriental Coast towns as Trading Posts and Contors. But along the Coast other Cities joined the Republic mostly without bloodshed. [b]Geography[/b] [b]Map Claim [/b] (It would be very welcome if those claiming most of the coast now could cede a few smaller coastal areas to Turchina) [b]History [/b] [b]Society[/b] While steeply stratified between the Noble families of the City, and a mass of unfree workers, most of the Cities populace is free, and quite a big part of the populace does quite well for itself. While there are notable Churches all around Turchinas Domain its people are said to be not quite the most pious, but very worldly in their outlook. Due to the wealth there is no shortage of festivals and balls in Turchina, the most famous of which is the great carnival in spring, with its masque ball. The Architecture shows quite some Oriental influence, and some say this influence and trade relations with the heathen east might have tainted the blue city. While Originally being ruled by a Doge elected by a council of the Noble Families, house Marcellaii has managed to make this office heritable about 120 years ago. [b]Economy/Industry [/b] Turchina controls most of the Sea trade routes for luxury goods, and mainly spices but also has some agricultural land of its own around its cities. Without its trade it’d be hard pressed to feed itself comfortably though. Most of the small Landmass controlled by Turchina is wooded though and worked as sustainably as possible to ensure enough wood for the ships. As a City State the handcrafts are blooming and the Arsenal could be seen as the greatest Industrial Complex of the Age. Also the city is rich beyond compare, housing most of the big Banking houses of the Continent. What Turchina is lacking is access to own mines for Ores. [b]Military[/b] The Indigo Navy is a sight to behold, with their great number of Caravels and Carracks. Most of the ships are very ornate and quite a few are not used for trade at all, but armed to the teeth to keep the trade routes save. On the Arsenal Island are the great shipyards that, by a very efficient system produce up to one new Ship a day, thus Turchina stands unchallenged at sea. The main City itself is guarded by a professional City Guard. Commissioned Officers wear entirely Blue Uniforms, if they can afford it with a lot of golden Embroidery. Warrant Officers wear white or yellow Uniforms trimmed with blue. The lower Soldiers wear white, grey or yellow Uniforms, Corporals with a blue cravat around their neck. Most of the Noble Families maintain own household guards, sometimes reaching company size that mostly wear their houses colours. As these often incorporate Indigo and Gold their Clothing differentiates in other ways from the City Guards. The smaller Cities and Colonies mostly have less prestigious non professional Guards. To Supplement these a number of Mercenary Companies serve the Republic. Some of them since generations. [/hider]