[center][h2]Xena Rock fields[/h2] [sub]The Sniper Nest[/sub][/center] Dom shot Midge a glance. "Uh, yea. Ok there, man. We'll forget about this bounty entirely. No big deal," He assured Jenso, raising his hands up. "You don't have to help us or anything though, we'll make our way down on our own. Don't you worry about it." Dom waved Jenso away and rose to his feet lazily. Midge was groaning angrily, glaring at Jenso with a pair of bloodshot purple eyes. Dom knelt by her side and lowered his head to her ear, but her expression didn't change. She huffed angrily, and dom helped her to her feet. He then turned to Jenso and smiled. "Once she's feelin' a little better, I'll help her down," Meanwhile, Yvette, Onweer, and Brian were still stuck inside of the wrecked ATV. "The shots stopped," Brian said quietly. Yvette nodded, looking between her own hands. She was conjuring up a large rifle of her own, too afraid to approach the weapons chest as it was on the other side of the ATV's back windows. "Are you going to.." "Quiet Brian, I'm trying to concentrate. A weapon this big and powerful isn't easy to maintain," She snapped. "Just another minute.."