Added some tidbits about religion and the church to the Lore section: [hider][u]The Fiorentian Faith and the Church:[/u] Antova's monarchies are culturally linked by the Fiorentian faith: a religion that acknowledges a single God, and reveres the Saint Fiorentino as His prophet on Earth. The religion has many parallels to Christianity, in that God is the creator of all things, and the life, death and resurrection of His earthly messenger is proof of his love for humanity. Through faith in Saint Fiorentino, one may be admitted salvation and eternal life. The teachings of the religion are much more similar to the New Testament in this regard, and God does not appear in Fiorentinan texts as the wrathful deity he does in the Old Testament. It is widely accepted that Saint Fiorentino was a real individual, and the founder of Antova's first true church. He is said to have been the first of all saints, and in time, will walk the earth once again to recover the favored of God. The Ambrusian Church derives its name from an ancient word meaning “reclamation.” His teachings promote doing well by one's fellow man, being a Samaritan and rejecting evil. By doing good deeds as proof of one's love for God, the faithful will be reclaimed upon death and live blissfully in Heaven. While Saint Fiorentino did not explicitly reject controversies such as homosexuality, certain sexual practices, magical arts, or any race of man, these have been, in one way or another, painted as targets for the Ambrusian Church. Present-day, it is much more tolerable of gays, women in public office, and once-undesirable professions, it still reels against the magical arts and those who practice them, citing them as “not of God” and wholly unnatural. While mages of courtly rank are usually beyond the grasp of the militant orders, commoner wizards, hedge witches, soothsayers, oracles and other plain folk are prime fodder for the pyre. At the head of the church is the High Pontiff, akin to Catholicism's Pope. He is treated as God's representative on Earth, tasked with ensuring Saint Fiorentino's lessons are upheld by the Antovian world. The High Pontiff is elected by a council of lower Pontiffs, each a representative of an Antovian nation, plus the Presbyter General: a warrior-clergyman that oversees the functions of the church's military arm. The High Pontiff resides in Aldmeria, also called the Pontifical State(s). It is a small nation under direct, secular control of the High Pontiff, located in the heart of Antova.[/hider]