Cyrano actually cracked the stone of the passageway as the abomination drove his head into the cave wall, but Cyrano held his grip on the monster despite, and indeed, seemed little phased by it. He saw the efforts to constrain the creature using the spider lady's webbing, and decided to try to use that to his advantage. He braced himself against the wall and pushed with the whole strength of his body back against the abomination while it was focused on throwing the spider lady. When the momentum of his shove had carried them both sufficiently far from the wall, Cyrano got his feet under him and finally released the nearly severed wrist to launch himself with all his speed and might at the abominations knees, mouth and claws agape seeking purchase to again grapple the foe. It was easy to do, the webbing soon caught Cyrano up along with the abominations legs, but he gave little heed to his own entaglement. He did, as he continued to kick and thrash and claw and bite in an effort to topple the abomination, give a thought to Eh-cho and sir godfrey of penshold and what the crushing weight of the beast might do to those smaller and made of less solid material. "Ware fellows!" Cyrano shouted.... or meant to shout. "Wharwwflllllofffff!" It sounded more to his ears. Oh well. No help for it now, there was webbing thoroughly covering his eyes now as well.