"3, 2, 1, drop!" came the voice over the headset. Garrett pressed a button on the Huey's control panel, and the rear doors of the airplane opened. He switched to internal communications. "Make sure you are buckled in. This is going to get rough, and I don't need anyone flying around back there." No voices replied, but he knew the message got through. The Hueys started to roll back out of the hangar, carried by a conveyor belt beneath them. A moment of weightlessness, and the helicopter dropped into free fall. Garrett watched as Roy Evan's helicopter did the same seconds later. He checked the altimeter and noted that it was at 35,000 feet and falling. [i]"Wait until 10,000"[/i] Garrett thought as they continued to fall. Roy's voice came over the headset. "Foster, what are you doing? Do you want to get yourself and your team killed?" "I know what I'm doing," was all that Garrett managed to say as the g-force of the fall prevented much else from coming out. He checked the altimeter again. 15,000 feet. He fired up the engine, and the helicopter roared to life, the twin turbine engines of his signature UH-1N Huey fired to life. A special project created by himself and Nathan McCoy, the helicopters were designed so they could activate in free fall. The helicopter came to a stop in midair at 10,500 feet. Garrett pushed the stick forward and the helicopter shot through the air, headed to the warehouse. He got on the comm. "You impressed yet?" he asked. "Yeah, actually, I am," replied Roy. Garrett laughed quietly and set to work finding a safe landing zone. As he was about to activate the navigation display, an alarm went off on the control panel. "Missile lock! Evasive maneuvers!" Garrett watched as four Surface-to-Air missiles shot into the sky. He veered left as the missies approached. They turned to track, but two collided. Garrett brought the Huey down to tree level and began to weave in and out of the tree-tops. Roy was doing something similar, just less flashy. As the missiles neared their targets, an idea came to Garrett. "Roy, don't ask questions. Run straight at me." Roy did as asked and flew his Huey straight at Garrett's. Garrett turned to do the same, and as they nearly hit Garrett peeled off. Roy did the same, and the missiles crashed together, a fireball in the sky. Garrett allowed himself a moment of relief. "That was close" he said. Realizing that the crew might be hurt, he quickly got on internal. "Everyone alright back there?" "Yeah, I think so," came a voice, weak with stress and fear. It was McCoy. Garrett spared a glance over his shoulder, and was relieved to see no notable injuries on the crew. "That was some crazy piloting," Roy said, pulling alongside Garrett. "Yeah," Garrett stated. "Now, for my next trick..." He trailed off as the crew laughed. He checked the navigation panel and found them nearly above the facility. "OK, time for landing approach. Thank you for flying Bureau Air. I hope you enjoyed your flight and will join us again soon." Garrett signed off and brought the helicopter for a landing. He saw that the facility was already cleared, and he was being approached by several military officers, one wearing the rank of Admiral. "Oh, this is not good," he said, slumping forward onto the control panel.