[center][h2]Plains of Ire[/h2] [sub]Around the Z-ATV[/sub][/center] [color=6ecff6]"Understood, Ma'am."[/color] Jäger was curt, overwhelmed by scenery. His training hadn't prepared him for such a desolate situation. He believed himself capable to stop such a disaster from occurring. It appeared the world and its creatures were much larger than described. More powerful than intended. No words or drawings written on pieces of paper had made him capable. No opponent in Arcadia or Saiga trained him for this. His attention faded to round his shoulder. He surveyed the wreckage, its bloody ends and marred insides. The husk of the titanic creature loomed over them like the hindsight of apocalypse. "Good work with the lizard, Jager." Jäger's eye twitched. He grit his teeth. He gripped his fists as his knuckles bled. Though, his fury knew no words. His respect for authority was greater than the scar upon his pride. By just the tiniest, slimmest, fraction of hairs. Hairs floated in gusts of sand and wind. They were ripped from the deceased, flying past a silent monk. He turned quietly from Haley, unable to recognize the comment with anything but hate. A little for her words, but mostly for himself. The lightning monk would scout the area of wreckage, searching for any signs of life. He kept to himself in his watch, one hand upon the leather tome tied to his belt. If there was any person, whole or dismembered, he would bring them to a row. They would be buried in any case, even if Jäger had to fight ten more of the beasts. Their corpses wouldn't be left to be touched and soiled by the living. As he stepped into the red, red cockpit, he was reminded of the pilot's voice on their journey out. Having a memory that could no longer be revisited was new to Jäger. Did it make him stronger, or did it burden his soul? Right now, it all seemed muddled. Though, so did everything.