[center][h2]Lord Krunk's Quarters[/h2] [sub]The ol' razzle dazzle[/sub][/center] Zerraf's little feather miraculously weaved its way past all of the falling bricks, still making its way upward to Lord Kunk's hand. His growth only made its mission all the more important. Zerraf's position made it difficult to see anything going on with the battlefield. He didn't see either of his allies. But he didn't have to move, either. It turned out to be a decent situation. He considered taking a nap underneath the cover of ass, but the false lord might take a misstep and that'd just be a bother. The wind mage didn't know what his allies were doing, but he knew his own attack, and that's what he'd support. Zerraf was blind in this situation, but controlling air currents gave rough ideas as to wear tangible objects, and people, were. He'd snap, expanding air roughly on either side of Lord Krunk's head. It was the same tactic he'd employed with Lord Funk. Despite not being as effective, it would likely buy them some time. And with all of this armor, he figured his sword wouldn't do much. Why waste the effort? A nap sounded really nice right about now. Maybe in a minute.