[center][h2][color=gray]╔══════════════╗ ± : . : Jae Hwan : . : ± ╚══════════════╝ [@asanono][/color][/h2][/center] [hr][hr] Jae was busy putting some of his clothes into a different drawer when the sound of a card being swiped pulled him out of his own little world. He sighed, wondering who he was in a room with this time. He stood up straight and turned around, looking at the door as it opened. The girl that walked in resembled something like a newborn child, standing at barely 5'3. Her lack of curves did not help her either, making her look more like a boy than anything else. She [i]attempted[/i] to properly introduce herself, but her rather casual 'Jae, is it?' made it seem like she was barely attempting to recall his name to Jae. When she said her own name, Jae couldn't help but let a laugh slip from his mouth. [color=gray][b]“Your parents named you Sugar? What a name.”[/b][/color] he said, turning back to his clothes. He wasn't really that interested in the girl. And well, he made sure to let that be obvious in the way he behaved. [color=gray][b]“I took this bed. You were late, so it's your loss. Martial art club meets at Wednesday from 5 PM to 8 PM again.”[/b][/color] he mentioned as he continued doing whatever he was doing. He let her off to her own business while preparing his area of the room. He wondered who Sugar was, in actuality. He knew she did martial arts, since she mentioned it, but he'd never really paid attention to her. And now he was in a room with her. How strange. [color=gray][b]“What part of the martial arts club are you in? Karate? Tae kwon do? MMA?”[/b][/color] [i]Just asking so I know where to avoid you..[/i] he thought to himself while he changed the case for his pillow. [i]Eh, whatever.[/i] Jae digged through his pockets with his right hand, pulling out his phone. He unlocked it and went through the music, pressing on a [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSh4WhTzUaw]song[/url] that he liked, prompting it to play rather loudly. Ah yes, he didn't really care that Sugar was still in the room with him. She'd have to get accustomed to his music, Jae supposed, but that was her problem. For a moment he put his hands on his hips, wondering what to do next. This was always a bit of a problem for Jae, since there was basically fucking nothing to do on the first day unless you were a freshman and had to arrange a bunch of shit. He turned to face Sugar, looking at her putting away some pictures. He glanced at the pictures briefly but couldn't get a good look at what was on them. [color=gray][b]“Tsk. Ey, do you smoke?”[/b][/color] The question was rather random, but Jae felt weird not making contact with her. Not that there wasn't time for that later, but it was a good thing to get accustomed to the girls' habits early on so he knew what to expect for the rest of the year. From his other pocket, Jae produced the cigarette pack again, pulling out a cigarette and placing it onto his lips, wiggling it up and down a bit as he looked at Sugar, waiting for an answer. The pack went back into his pocket, while he curiously eyed Sugar. What a crazy name. She didn't even look like a Sugar. She just looked like a boy. If it weren't for her hair.. [color=gray][b]“Ah, well. If you smoke, feel free to come with me. Otherwise, I'll be off alone. Don't touch any of my shit.”[/b][/color] He motioned briefly to his sports bag with karate apparel that was on the bed now. He stepped to the left, grabbing a black jacket from the remaining clothes he'd have to unpack, and pulled it on. He then marched himself out of the room, heading for the door again. He passed by the large amount of freshmen trying to get a security pass, pushing some of them aside. Some of them were taller than him, but his rather aggressive look on his face made sure that they didn't try to tell him off. [i]The glory of having RAF -- resting asshole face.[/i] Once he arrived outside he was quick to light up the cigarette hanging from his lips. Ah, sweet relief. His eyes darted across the people that were passing him by, attempting to enter the building. Every time a new year started this shit happened again. State of the art school my ass. Can't even invent a way to get people to their rooms in an orderly fashion..