[quote=@Lillium] [@DarkwolfX37] I remember telling you quite clearly to make certain edits to your CS. The characters tab is only for those who have been accepted. Please remove yours until you've made the edits I requested. [/quote] I did make those edits. I just made the increase in power gradual instead of all suddenly kicking in at tier five. If I kept the edits exactly as you said without taking any liberties with the power increases, then she would have been too weak to even bother with because her powers would be TOO limited to be viable. [hider=Trigger warning: I'm going to fucking tell you off in the following otherwise perfectly civil explanation because this is infuriating] Think about this for a second. If someone had a power like hers and it remained stagnant, with the limitations you mentioned remaining as you gave them all the way until she reached tier five, which very possibly might not happen by the end of this rp because of just how far away that is, then she would not only have the tons of weaknesses that come as side effects that already balanced out her power plenty, but she would be literally unable to defend herself against simple, average teenager humans in 99.9% of all situations where she was in danger. A stagnant power that after constant effort and improvement and tons of fucking time only resulted in a tiny increase in power but a major increase in things that are actively dangerous and life-threatening to her would: A) Almost certainly ensure that she dies young and well before she ever reached even tier four. B) Make any scientist worth their salt decide to simply forgo observing her growth and just kill and dissect her. C) Cause the first conflict she got into with another character, who, thanks to how weak Violet is, would 100% of the time be notably stronger than her and who has little to no control of their own powers, become hospitalizing at best and deadly at worst. I don't mean any disrespect by anything so far, and I mean the following in the kindest possible way, but FUCKING THINK for a second. [/hider] Edit: I also wanted to say that I'm fine with having to satisfy all three (Co)GMs and I'm perfectly fine with throwing out a power and choosing something else, AND I don't hold a grudge against anyone for criticism or complaints or requests or anything else, but this particular instance of interaction over this particular character idea is insane and it's not insane because of me, for once. Edit Edit: For those wondering, the changes in question were: [hider=Changes required] I'd have to ask you to add more reasonable weaknesses. For example, requiring her to be in physical contact with the person before she can use her power on them. And it needs to be skin contact, mind you. The changes cannot be instant. They can and will be disrupted if contact is broken. Anything below tier 5 will not be permanent. They'll revert back after a while. 12 hours at tier 4, 15 minutes at tier 1 and so on. [/hider] Her prior powers were: [hider=Prior powers] Tier Zero: Her level when she was captured. At this level can only cause something to produce more or less of a chemical. Chemicals: Melanins. - "Ever wanted to see what it's like to be a different race? I can help." Tier One: Higher maximum and minimum capable of causing to be produced. Can now control the amount released, up to 15% of what's produced by that organism. Chemicals: Sex hormones. (testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, oxytocin, and vasopressin) - "Reintroducing puberty on command. Wanna be totally jacked? Sure. A knock-out bombshell? Done. Horny beyond belief? Easy." Tier Two: Higher maximum and minimum capable of causing to be produced. Now capable of causing the natural maximum and natural minimum possible for a given chemical to be produced. Can now control the amount released, up to 50% of what's produced by the organism. Chemicals: Lactic acid. - "Muscles for days." Tier Three: Can now cause a chemical to be produced beyond it's natural maximum amount or not be produced at all. Can now control the amount released, up to 75% of what's produced by the organism. Chemicals: Adrenaline. - "Super soldiers' workshop, right over here." Tier Four: Can now control the amount released, up to 100% of what's produced by the organism. Can now cause cross-kingdom chemical creation so long as the materials exist within the organism. Example: Could cause a human to form chlorophyll. Chemicals: Chemicals responsible for emotions. - "A bit of psychology later and my wish is your command." Tier Five: Can now control whether or not chemical receptors accept their related chemical. Can now control her own chemicals. Chemicals: Those responsible for cell-replication. - "Super regeneration or the inability to heal. And can finally make myself live off sunlight so I don't need the bathroom anymore. That'll be nice." Tier Six: (Final Tier) Can control chemicals in DNA and freely manipulate genetic code. Given the materials needed, can now control chemicals outside of an organism. In practice, could potentially create life from raw elements. - "Homunculi, here I come." [/hider] And of course you can see the current version.