[hider=Spoilers] I really don't seem to like bad grammar. I know it's not cool to be a grammar nazi anymore, I just...I can't help it. [/hider] [list] [*]People who use "whom" in everyday conversation or correct other people in use of the word "whom" should know that they are Ross Gellar and being Ross Gellar is bad because Ross Gellar is a total toad. [*]It's OK to eat honey even if you're a 'vegan'. Doing anything to death for the sake of a label or fitting into a community of zealots, be it feminism, being a 'punk', or any kind of activist stance, when you don't really believe in what you're doing, makes you a total sucker and a fake and you're wasting your effort. [*]There's nothing wrong with sex work and light drug use as long as everything is above board and SAFE, and doesn't mess up anyone else's life, including obviously kids. I'm not saying people should get into it, I'm saying that moral judgements on strippers and cannabis smokers are a waste of mental and spiritual effort, and talking smack about these people kind of makes you a tool. [*]Sometimes, it's "its". I'm talking to you, Science Communication professor. If you teach written communication, you should know all the damn spelling and grammar rules; it's your responsibility. [*]It's very annoying when people say "from whence". If you're going to talk in old English, do it properly. "From whence" = "from from where". From is a silly word. [/list]