[@Doc Doctor][@midnightt] [img]http://orig09.deviantart.net/c92d/f/2016/112/5/0/dark_souls_iii_by_nine_bullet_revolver-d9zwf85.jpg[/img] [b][color=ed1c24]FAFNIR SIGURD[/color][/b] [i]With Zande and Elpha at the mouth of the forest. [/i] "I am the culprit for this slaughter, this man just happened to show up afterwards." I said with arms crossed, thinking about the offer he had just suggested. I hesitated as I was conflicted in thought. "I do not steal, especially from royalty." I said though the thought was tempting, there sounds to be plenty of treasure to take from the queen, and there are plenty of rumors of her being evil. I looked at my armored hand briefly as I struggled between greed and chivalry.