[hider=Eva Berensdóttir][center][color=crimson][h1]Evetta Berensdóttir [/h1][/color] [img]http://static.buzznet.com/uploads/2016/01/33.jpg[/img] [i]"[color=crimson]Moonlight drowns out all but the brightest stars.[/color]"[/i] - [color=cccccc][b]J.R.R. Tolkien – [i]Lord of the Rings[/i][/b][/color] [hr][hr] [color=crimson][h1][sub]Dossier[/sub][/h1][/color] [color=crimson][b][u]Name:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Evetta Berensdóttir[/indent] [color=crimson][b][u]Alias:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Eve, or Eva[/indent] [color=crimson][b][u]Codename:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Valkyrie [/indent] [color=crimson][b][u]Gender:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=crimson][b][u]Age:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]17[/indent] [color=crimson][b][u]Ethnicity:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Caucasian (Asgardian)[/indent] [color=crimson][b][u]Place of Origin:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Asgard[/indent] [color=crimson][b][u]Sexuality:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Bicurious [/indent] [hr][hr][img] https://media.giphy.com/media/4gm3l3aI8DVCw/giphy.gif [/img] [hr][hr] [color=crimson][h1][sub]Ability Profile[/sub][/h1][/color] [color=crimson][b][u]Powers:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Much like her biological mother, Eva’s talent with magic is astonishing considering her age. The spells she knows branch from healing magic, to elemental manipulation, and even some more deceptive magics. However, she still has a lot to learn – both in power and control. Eva also has the ability to teleport, although she has only used it once in an extreme situation, completely by accident. She hasn’t attempted it again, and doesn’t want to – it nearly killed her.[/indent] [color=crimson][b][u]Skills of Note:[/u][/b][/color] [indent] Singing; she has a charming singing voice, which would seem to have its own magical quality to it. Has been known to distract people from their tasks more than once, so she keeps it to just showering these days. Language; knows Allspeak just as her Mother, although it fails her when reading texts. Therefore, she has tried to learn languages necessary for her to branch out in her magic, such as Latin, Ancient Nordic Runes, and Aramaic. She still gets words wrong, which can often prove to be disastrous with certain spells. Swordplay; obviously in her time away from Asgard, she was trained to dual-wield swords. Her skill is surprising, considering the lack of physical strength compared to other Asgardians within her – she relies moreso on speed and agility than brute strength, which proves nicely for her light-weight short swords.[/indent] [hr][hr][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/NEoY9HGW8v2YE/giphy.gif[/img][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/sorsHURVUXeFi/giphy.gif[/img][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/iPdJpO8tnoBKU/giphy.gif[/img][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/5gnJMrjrqJnDq/giphy.gif[/img] [hr][hr] [color=crimson][h1][sub]Psychological Profile[/sub][/h1][/color] [color=crimson][b][u]Mental Evaluation:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]When Miss Berensdóttir arrived at my door, I am ashamed to say that she took me by surprise. From what I heard in the debriefing about her heritage, I expected someone of a similar calibre to show up. I am pleased – as I’m sure those reading this report will also be – to decide that she is nothing like her mother. Upon entering my office, she took the seat I offered to her quite happily, and asking a query of her own before I could even introduce myself – an inquiry about my coffee. Obviously, they do not have coffee on Asgard, but she stated that smell was familiar to her. This was followed by a brief look of confusion, and then almost one of paranoia before she shook the feeling off. Deciding to come back to the issue later, I began questioning Miss Berensdóttir about various things - why she felt she was here, what she thought she could contribute, family life, her home, etc. She stated more than once in various ways that she missed her home, but still was quite happy to remain here in “Midgard” to help. Talks of her childhood show a happy one, from what she can remember. When attempting to press on the matters of her kidnapping and the blankness that ensued, her look of paranoia and fear returned. Her eyes kept darting to the window or door, and her answers became far less detailed after this. From what I can deduce of Miss Berensdóttir, is that she has a strong sense of honour and loyalty to those she loves – however, the issue remains that most of these people remain in Asgard. She has shown no such loyalty to SHIELD or Earth, and made it quite clear that she is not willing to trust anyone easily. Despite this, I can see that her amnesia is not forced, nor lies to simply re-direct my questions. The girl has lost nearly a decade of her life, some of which was clearly spent here on Earth. Memories of the scent of coffee, or snippets of songs that she recalls, but cannot focus on the memory of finding them in the first place, shows that something else – likely her Mother – wiped or blocked her memory. It is my hope that with some form of talking therapy we can break through this, but if it is magic in nature, other cures may be impossible for myself to find. As for her immediate personality, I found it easier to gain more information from her by observing her small talk with the secretary outside – Miss Berensdóttir showed a great deal of curiosity and interest into many things while chatting, obviously easily excited by things many of us would deem as normal. There is undoubtedly plenty of passion burning away in the young girl’s heart, and despite her questionable loyalties, would likely be a decent admission. As for mental health, her amnesia has not been kind to her psyche – night terrors and insomnia are common (Told to me by her Asgardian family – she denied it once I brought it up; it is likely she does not want people worrying after her). Whether this has been brought on by her loss of memory, or the terrors are in fact old memories surfacing from her subconscious, is unknown at the time. I am unsure how to treat this, as human drugs generally don’t work very well on Asgardians. Will require testing. [sub]Note: SHIELD must be aware that the subject’s Mother is a notorious illusionist – it should be noted that if the subject does in fact take after her Mother, she is likely capable of hiding it. Although I, personally, consider this to be highly unlikely, it should be listed as a potential threat. Either way, we can keep an eye on her here, at least.[/sub][/indent] [color=crimson][b][u]Physical Evaluation:[/u][/b][/color] [indent] Miss Berensdóttir was surprisingly complacent in her physical exam, considering how much she shut down on her mental evaluation. Subject weighs in at around 120lbs, and stands at a height of 5’3 with a toned, somewhat curvaceous frame – body appears to be fully developed, with a defined hip and waistline, bust size about 30D. Her skin is a neutral tone, free from most blemishes and scars barring a narrow cut on her right bicep, obviously many years old with the pale shade it is, and about five inches long. Her face is best described as heart-shaped, with a slightly pointed chin, high cheekbones, and dimpled smile. Lips are somewhat pouty in nature, but as she is generally seen smiling, it goes un-noticed. Her button nose gently slopes down, and suits her face finely. Subject has pale green eyes – it should be noted that they enhance in colour when she uses magic, becoming an almost ethereal emerald hue – framed with long lashes. Since her arrival on Earth, someone – unknown, currently – has introduced her to make-up, which she thoroughly enjoys. Eyes were rimmed with dark grey eyeliner and mascara (She took great delight in telling me this – as mentioned before, the girl has her passions. If anything, the colours enhanced the almost playful light in her eyes.) Hair remained natural, however – of a honey blond shade, wavy in nature and let to hang loose, reaching around her mid-back. She has done well to assimilate to regular Earth life – her attire was very normal; jeans, leather boots, red plaid shirt over a black vest. Miss Berensdóttir considers the fashion in America to be far more practical and comfortable than the traditional Asgardian fashions, and takes great delight in not having to wear dresses all of the time. She is doing well to fit in indeed. [sub]Note: Subject did not have much in the way of strength or muscle density, which could be problematic in hand to hand combat. However, from what the report of her time on Asgard states, she still has the basic durability of an Asgardian. To what extent is currently unknown.[/sub][/indent] [color=crimson][b][u]Biography:[/u][/b][/color] [indent] As far as Eva was aware as a child, she was the only daughter of Beren and Fulla, the latter being the younger sister of Queen Frigga; and she had a good childhood. Many of her days were spent in the great halls of the palace, exploring and playing as a child should; she adored her parents, and her Aunt Frigga – while she did not spend much time with her Uncle Odin, or her two cousins, she admired them from a distance, respecting and fearing them equally. And as such, not much occurred in her early life, until she reached the age of six. Late at night, alone in her bedroom, Eva was awoken by a women bending over her – a vision of beauty, with blond hair and the greenest of eyes. There were tears in this woman’s eyes, for she was feeling a pain within her heart upon gazing at the young Eva – but Eva was a child, and did not understand. All she understood was that there was a strange woman in her room, and that was scary for a child. By the time her parents and their guards heard her screaming, she had already been wrenched from her bed – the woman had already killed guards to get into the place, for being related to the Royal family was a dangerous business, even in Asgard. Fulla reached Eva’s bedroom first, to see her ensnared with magic, tucked under the arm of this strange beauty clad in emerald. [i][color=powderblue]“Please, let my daughter go! You can have whatever you want, just don’t hurt her!”[/color][/i] Fulla had plead, upon being stopped by the strong magic herself. The kidnapper looked upon Fulla with scorn and hatred, spitting out four words before turning away. [i][color=forestgreen]“She’s not your daughter.”[/color][/i] And with a flash of green light and one last heart-wrenching cry from Eva, they were gone, and her mother broke down in grief. This is the last thing Eva can tell anyone of her childhood. Anything after that moment is lost to her, up until that moment 9 years after the incident. That day had been like awaking from a terrible dream – a fuzziness lay around her mind and memory, and Eva was distraught. She knew not where she was, or what had happened to her – only that she had to run. She had already ran away from something – perhaps the woman who had taken her? – and she had to keep going until she found something, anything that could aid her. But as she ran, all she could see was rocky wilderness, with no sign of life barring whatever was chasing her. And it was not just paranoia – there was a feeling, a sensation of something terrible in the distance. This feeling was so great, that Eva didn’t even hesitate in her step as the cliff-face approached. To her, it was a better fate than facing whatever had done this to her, and so she leapt from the mountain she ran upon, being swallowed up by darkness before she hit the ground. Except, when she awoke, she was not in the same nightmarish, rocky realm. She lay in a forest, dappled light shining gently through the leaves of the trees above her, the familiar smokey smell of oak hitting her the same time as a bout of crippling pain across her body. In her fall, she had clearly teleported herself (Or, her body had done it for her? She didn’t even know how to teleport?! Or... did she? Hel, who knew.) to somewhere safer, but her body was certainly paying the price for it now. Barring grazes and cuts, she had no real injuries other than a terrible ache to her body and spirit, a pain so bad she felt certain she had almost knocked on the gates of Helheim itself. But as the agony began to subside, Eva knew that whatever had been chasing her wouldn’t stop here – she had to keep moving. She did not know where, but she had to get up. Thankfully for Eva, it didn’t take long for her to find aid – she had transported herself to Vanaheim, her mother’s original home realm before moving to Asgard with her sister. There, she received help from the Vanir, and after a few bouts of swift questioning, was brought forth towards Heimdall on the Bifrost bridge. After all, if anyone could see past her illusions, should they be there, it would be the Guardian of the Realms. And when he looked upon her with a relieved smile, Eva knew that she was home, once and for all. Now, she thought, things can go back to normal. However, this was somewhat naive of her to think. For when she returned to the arms of her weeping parents, they were forced to tell her certain truths that had been kept from her since her birth. One of which, was that they were not present during her it – she came to them at but a day old, swaddled and mewling in the arms of a beautiful Asgardian woman, by the name of Lorelai. This Lorelai stated that the girl laying in her arms was borne of her older sister, Amora – the Enchantress. While speaking with Fulla and Beren, Lorelai stated that Amora did not deserve the child – she would exploit her, use her daughter’s powers for her own ends, whereas Lorelai believed she deserved a good life. Knowing that she would be protected in this family, what with their closeness to the All-Father, Lorelai left Eva with the pair, who, for all their doubts, could not turn the child away. Fulla was barren, and the pair greatly desired a child. They fell in love with her immediately, and told all but Odin and Frigga that she was their biological daughter. This news was not easy for Eva to hear, but she could not bring herself to hate her parents for it. She had after all, been so young when she was taken away. It would have been cruel to tell a child a truth like that at such an age, and now, she was just happy to be at home. For the next two years, the healers and sorcerers on Asgard tried to help her regain her memories, but to no avail. When it came about that the son’s of Thor and Loki were going to Midgard, Odin suggested to Eva’s parents that she go with them. While they wanted her to remain with them, Eva surprisingly agreed with the idea – she had vague recollections of that realm, and she thought there would be no better place than there to improve her powers. While Fulla was ecstatic to have her darling daughter back home, she did not approve of the magics she had taken up in her absence. Eva has the hope that she can work on these powers without the almost stifling care of her parents... and perhaps even regain her memory. For looking back now, she does recall love in the tear-filled gaze of Amora that night long ago, and Eva wonders if perhaps she was taken wrongly from the infamous sorceress, regardless of the havoc her mother has caused in the past. [/indent] [hr][hr][img] https://media.giphy.com/media/b2Sv2HHhkb3os/giphy.gif [/img] [hr][hr][/center] [indent][color=crimson][h1][sub]Extras[/sub][/h1][/color][/indent] [indent][color=crimson][b][u]Likes:[/u][/b][/color] [list] [*] Rum; it has a pleasant warmth to it. [*] Singing; sometimes she’ll belt out a song word perfect, but when asked about it, would be unable to tell you the name of it, or where she had heard it first. [*] Sleeping-in; she doesn’t get much rest these days, so a full night’s sleep is a blessing to her. [*] Horses; one of the few things Asgard and Midgard have in common, and it is a wonderful similarity in her eyes. Horses are such majestic creatures, and she takes great joy in spending time in their company. [*] Reading; Midgardian literature is fantastic, for the most part. She enjoys reading fantasy novels that remind her so much of Asgard – Lord of the Rings, in particular. Also, spell books are always a good read, especially when she actually learns a spell right for once. [*] Comedy; she enjoys most forms of it, including pranks. Someone showed her a clip of Jackass once, and there were tears of laughter pouring from her eyes in seconds. And while she’s still learning to understand some of them, memes always tickle her. Ah, the internet. [*] Anything vaguely fluffy or furry, especially cute animals. [*] Ice cream. Asgard doesn’t have ice cream... why?!? [*] On second thoughts, most unhealthy food she’s tried so far taste amazing. Pulled pork? Barbecue ribs?! [b]Chocolate lava cake?!?[/b] *passes out drooling* [/list][/indent] [indent][color=crimson][b][u]Dislikes[/u][/b][/color] [list] [*] Getting woken up suddenly; she gets cranky when she’s sleep deprived. [*] Heights; perhaps because of the whole jumping-off-a-cliff thing. Either way, if she gets too high, Eva’s knees start to shake. Which is ironic, considering the falls an Asgardian can survive, but she doesn’t find it all that ironic. [*] Green; she assigns it to every bad thing that’s happened in her life so far, so she avoids wearing it. Which is unfortunate, considering her eye colour. [*] Ignorance; there’s nothing worse on any of the Nine Realms. Well... apart from maybe Bilgesnipes. But seriously, nothing rubs her the wrong way more than ignorant people. Everyone has brains, why not use them to think once in a while?! [*] Peppers. Ugh – she’ll eat any other vegetable than those things. [/list][/indent] [indent][color=crimson][b][u]Miscellaneous:[/u][/b][/color] [list] [*] While teleportation remains to be the most dangerous form of magic – on her own body, that is – she has taken part in, using too much magic and once will yield similar results. After a battle, she will often be left fatigued – if used beyond that, she always seems to be left bleeding, despite a lack of cuts or external injuries. Strange, but it hurts too much to think about it, really. [*] Sleeps with a knife under her pillow. Probably not the wisest idea, considering her night terrors, but she hasn’t injured anyone. Yet. [*] Through the few interactions with Thor back as a child on Asgard, she developed a keen crush on the dashing Fandrall, his warrior friend. Upon returning as a young woman, her feelings have not faded any, must to her embarrassment. All it takes is for him to greet her and her cheeks become crimson... so he takes great delight in greeting her whenever possible, just to amuse himself. However, he has been useful in showing her a few tips in swordplay, what with favouring light-weight swords himself. [*] Is extremely ticklish on the stomach and ribs; this is why she avoids being picked up by people. Don’t believe her when she says she’ll hurt you, she’ll keel over with one prod. [*] Depending on how she’s dressed, can look between the ages of 14 or 20. Useful, in some cases. [*] Some pop culture references and the like she’ll understand, other’s she won’t. It depends what clicks in her memory or not. [/list] [/indent] [/hider] Eyy, finally finished her. Let me know if something needs tweaking in the bio - Amora hasn't shown up in the MCU yet, so I may have taken some liberties with her.