"Excellent" Leno exclaimed as he accepted the invite and followed after Nena and Blackrabbit "Name's Leno by the way" He almost walked into the wall several times as he did some inventory management while they walked through the tunnel, his attention returning to the game once they came across the skeletons. [i]"Kill them all!"[/i] The Fox said. Watching as Nena and Rabbit dealt with the first two skeletons Leno just shrugged "No need to waste time" He pulled the bow of his back and rushed a skelly, pulling his dagger out and hooking the thing to swing himself around it and finish it with one of the bladed arms of his bow. Coming out of it with a spin he loaded a scattershot and send it at the last two, the hail enough to kill one and weaken the other. "why you little..." He drew a second arrow and launched it at the surviving skeleton to finish it off. He put the bow on his back "Handled"