[quote=@AbandonedIntel] [@Framing A Moose] 1 error. Your header, just delete whoever is not being interacted with, and edit the NPC's names accordingly. And the mention for me didn't work because you didn't put brackets around it. While editing it will make it look better, it won't fix the mentions, so I suggest you make sure to fix it in your next post, K? :) [/quote] Okay! I'll fix that when I can! Thank you! [quote=@AbandonedIntel] God damn I feel like I fucked up this entire RP for everyone with too many rules, too many characters and too much formatting bullshit. God dammit. I really hope you guys are enjoying the RP and you guys are willing to stay onboard with me, because I feel like I'm ruining this for everyone. [/quote] No need to apologize. What I can tell you from past experience is that orderly RPs tend to last longer than the disorganized ones.