[@Sleeth] Alright, you sanctimonious little shit, you want to fling textwalls around, the gloves are off! [quote] I don't want to be that guy but I think you may have attachment issues that happen to people online and especially in the role-playing community. You need to separate yourself and realize how things go, Rp's die all the time and that sucks but if you get legitimately upset about it that's a sign of a bad social disorder that can lead to depression and suicide.[/quote] Alright, some ad hominem outright stating I'm mentally ill for being passionate about roleplaying. We're off to a "great" start. [quote] You're persistent about this Rp being important over real life, would you not leave this guild or any website forever in the face of one thing in real life that you need? [/quote] You seem to be under the impression that there is some mystical divide between 'real' and 'online' interactions. Just because there's several miles of glassfiber between us doesn't mean you should treat us like disposable objects. You commited yourself to GM this roleplay, and you flaked out on us. So don't give me this whole "Real life got in the way" routine. It's no excuse for betraying the trust I, and presumably the other players in this thread, placed in you as GM. [quote]It's online, people will always disappear without a chance of warning, and the more upset and angry you get about it makes me think you need help or you're like 13.[/quote] Great, more ad-hominem. Thanks for that, I was really looking for some asshole I don't even personally know to tell me how to live my life. [quote]You need to start seeing what actually matters here, because I and probably almost anyone else would abandon an Rp to work and help close friends grieve because the feelings of strangers saying "that sucks" when an Rp drops is nothing in significance to the people who care about you.[/quote] I'm not angry because you left. I'm angry because you didn't even say you were leaving, thusly wasting the time of everyone willing to wait patiently for your next post. [quote]You can keep going, and insist I'm an asshole, I'll stop replying if it'll make you feel like you've won or you're right. Bottom line is here people are too young to care, mature enough to understand, or have common sense to know what's right. I recommend you fall into one of those.[/quote] Alright, here are what will 'pacify' me and get me off your ass. 1. Just admit you couldn't be arsed to care about us and give us an apology. 2. Stop implying I'm immature or mentally ill. Maybe you don't have such commitment, but that's no excuse to talk down to people who are like you are doing. 3. Never GM again. From what I've seen you just don't have the right attitudes for GMing a roleplay online and I would hate to see another group get burnt on your antics.