Caractacus whiled away the time, planning and rehearsing what he would say. It'd been a while since he had to have a proper conversation with someone, and he didn't want to mess things up. 'Greetings' would be a good start. Or maybe just 'Hello'. He didn't want to seem to formal. Or maybe he did, and it would help his image as a wizard. Caractacus's thoughts chased through his head in much the same manner, and as time went on, his eyelids lowered, and he started to doze. Jumping suddenly, Caractacus was snapped awake by a voice calling out. "Hello, who's there?" He looked around quickly for the source of the voice, and saw it right in front of him. A slith, approaching the tavern. Staring, he was stunned for a moment. He hadn't anticipated being approached from the outside. Caractacus threw his hand up in a clumsy wave, and tried to make a smile, but it looked more like a grimace. [color=dimgray]"G-greetings! Or, uh...hello! I'm C-Caractacus, w-wizard, and uh..."[/color] He trails off. He had no idea who this was or what she might want. Better not to say too much. [color=dimgray]"Wh-what brings you here?"[/color]