As his shift neared its end, Rocky had begun nodding off in his seat, and would have likely completely succumbed to the sweet sirens of slumber were it not for the buzzing of the communicator clipped to his belt. He awoke with a start, gaining him a strained look from one of the inspection officers that only intensified as he clumsily fumbled for the device. After a few false starts and growls of annoyance Rocky was finally able to get the device into a massive clawed hand and thumb the correct button to bring up it's holographic screen, "[b]Go for Jakarta.[/b]" he grunted in his unmistakably rough voice. On the other end was a human female, one that Rocky quickly recognized as being assigned to the research division due to the lab jacket and I.D. card pinned to it. The human at first seemed a bit taken aback by the sound of Rocky's voice, something he'd long since grown accustomed to. He waited patiently for a few seconds before the human cleared her throat to speak, "[i]Rakans'mei Jakarta, you've been assigned to security detail for the next planetary expedition. Please gather any equipment you may require and report to Hangar Delta in approximately two hours.[/i]". If Rocky had lips he'd have likely given the Cheshire Cat a run for it's money with the grin he'd be sporting right about now, "[b]I understand. Be there shortly.[/b]". With only five minutes remaining to his shift, Rocky had little trouble convincing the inspection officers to allow him to leave a bit early to allow him a chance to gather the necessary supplies. For Rocky, this of course meant that it was time to grab lunch from that little deli shop he liked in the residential district.