"Why do I have lingering doubts in my mind as to your distaste in the openness of windows?" Yerbol chuckled as he folded his arms across his expansive chest, looking from the potential window of opportunity to Aria, who seemed to be almost nervous at his presence. If she was trying to escape, she was doing a poor job of it. While Master Shan had warned her not to try and leave, Aria more than likely had power that could enable her to quickly flee the planet and rejoin her Sith brethren. Was she that intimidated by what the Masters had said or was she terrified of what lay in store for her on her return to Korriban? Surely her own Masters could see through her lies if she chose to go that route. The avenue of self preservation was clearly paved by the Jedi Masters, yet was she doubting herself? Maybe trying to run away and hide. Such behavior from someone who had earlier in the day tried to eviscerate him was odd, yet refreshing. This one moment had made Aria a bit more human in his eyes. He smiled. "I wasn't asleep. Master Shan and I had been discussing some details about Lysa. It was nice to know that she had believed in my sister, even to the end of her life." His eyes averted Aria's for a brief second, not wanting to shake salt over the already open wound. He shifted his weight in the frame, standing straight up. "I ah...well, I guess I want to get this out of the way now." He stepped forward a couple of inches. "You've got every reason to try and escape. Honestly, if I really wanted to give into the burning anger that threatens to encompass me every time I think of Lysa's cold body in that tomb, I would want to end your life in this room. So we both don't want to do this, to be..." He swallowed hard, forcing out the words: "Partners in this endeavor, but it looks like we're going to have to put aside whatever differences we may have with each other's orders or our own personal lives for the good of the galaxy." He blew out a sigh. "If we can get through this, figure out whatever threat is being posed to the galaxy this time around and come back alive, then I feel that Lysa's death wouldn't have been in vain." He extended his hand, a flash of a smile coming across his face before it disappeared. "So we're agreed, then? Partners till we figure this out?"