[hider=Lila]Name:Lila Age:3 years old Looks(Pictures are acceptable!):[img]http://media.youthink.com/images_quiz/2014/07/11/full_933702486.jpg[/img] Position in Pack:Hunter and Beta Female Personality(Just a general idea of what you're character is like):Lila is a sweet she wolf with a very easy going demeanor. She's a skilled tracker but prefers hunting smaller game due to her smaller stature. [/hider] [hider=Kita] Name:Kita Age:2 months Looks:[img]http://www.ilcane.eu/immagini/wolves/Canis_lupus_hudsonicus_puppy_a.jpg[/img] Position in Pack:Pup Personality:Kita is very shy and has stuck close to Aleu since the death of her mother over the winter. Not very adventurous, she is cautious of everything and everyone, even of those in her own pack. Hopefully she grows out of it. [/hider] [hider=Anum] Name:Anum Age:2 months Looks:[img]https://em.wattpad.com/c5c399d98f84410d3b0ee16f524023f40a575bfd/687474703a2f2f693938312e70686f746f6275636b65742e636f6d2f616c62756d732f61653239322f42726564656c696e2f57656c70655f312e6a7067?s=fit&h=360&w=360&q=80[/img] Position in Pack: Pup Personality:Unlike her little sister, Anum is a rambunctious pup who's curious about the world and everything happening in it. Nosy and loud, she knows no fear which can get pups like her into a lot of trouble. [/hider]