[center]Troy didn’t want anything to do with ‘homecoming.’ It was stupid. It had been stupid when he was a freshman, it was stupid when he was a sophomore, it was stupid when he was a junior, and it was stupid now. The football game, the ‘spirit week,’ all of it was absolutely stupid, but here he was regardless. Wearing a stupid fitted tux that had cost him an arm and a leg, in his car(which, even in his annoyance and rage, he’d [i]never[/i] call stupid) parked in front of Audrey’s house; waiting for the girl to come out and get inside of his ride so they could hurry up and get on their way. Sighing as he realized that sitting in front of her house just [i]wasn’t going to work,[/i] Troy willed himself to open the door and lazily walked up to her front door, hitting the door bell button a few times. He stuffed his hands in his pockets… and he waited. He checked his watch, wondering if they were going to be late. They probably would be, and honestly it was probably part of Audrey’s plan. Fashionably late, they called it? It didn’t make sense to him. He looked at his wrist, the smartwatch attached to it bursting to life, revealing the time. Sighing yet [i]again[/i], the disgruntled Prince Charming rang the doorbell again. [hr] David was not exactly ‘dressed for success,’ when he rode up to the front of Geo’s house, clutching a (in his mind, woefully short) comic book that he’d hastily put together; it wasn’t even bound properly, he didn’t think it’d last very long, but that was okay. It was a one time use item. His hair was as messy as ever, and he wore a pair of old jeans, and his favorite pair of Vans, and his lucky t-shirt of the past few months, a black one that said across it in bold, gold lettering: ALI, BOMAYE. Davy ran a hand through his hair and pulled out his phone. As he was pulling up the only contact he trusted, Davy slid the headphones off of his ears around around his neck, kicking the board up into his hands. He then wrote: [color=228B22][b]To Lucky: I can’t do it. I’m leaving. I’m not high enough I’m too awkward for this I want my duck.[/b][/color] [color=59A84F][b]From: Lucky [i]Dude, she's you're best friend. There's no reason for her to say no; trust me[/i][/b][/color] [color=228b22][b]To Lucky: I guess I can try maybe she won’t hate me[/b][/color] Davy stuffed his phone in his pocket, reaching out with a cautious finger and squeezing his eyes shut as he hit the door bell. [i]This was terrifying.[/i] The unlikely Prince Charming waited. [hr] Alyssa had no real business at a bloody high school party. It was so far beneath her, she was almost [i]sickened[/i] by the thought it as she rolled into the school’s parking lot, in her Maserati, driven by Butler, as always. [color=708090][b]”Disgusting, filthy, bottom feeding, parasitic [i]plebeians[/i]. The lot of them!”[/b][/color] She hissed, looking out the window as her peers flooded into the gymnasium. She tipped back the shot of whiskey in her hands and quickly poured another, drinking it before she stuffed a strawberry into her mouth. It took all of her self control to not [i]order[/i] Butler to take her home and free her from this [i]insolence[/i] and [i]hedonism.[/i] [color=708090][b]”I’ll see their night [i]ruined[/i] if it’s the last thing I do.”[/b][/color] [b]”This is not very much like you,”[/b] Butler observed from the front seat as he shifted the car into park. He glanced over his shoulder at his charge, who, even for her, had a particularly [i]evil[/i] look in her eye. Alyssa, slightly annoyed, shook her head and waved Butler’s concerns away. [color=708090][b]”I, Butler, thanks either to my bloodline, or your influence on me, am a [i]predator[/i] at heart. And, like any predator, I hunt. What I hunt, is found at its weakest, most defenseless, and becomes an [i]easy[/i] kill when it is surrounded by things it thinks will protect it. And here, at this godforsaken gymnasium, my prey thinks itself clever and safe.”[/b][/color] Alyssa drank again, this time directly from the bottle. [color=708090][b]”Additionally, my heart--Viola--and darling Eve will be here.”[/b][/color] Butler casually adjusted the rear view mirror so he could meet Alyssa’s gaze. His eyes hard, he spoke. [b]”And, Miss Green… if your ‘prey’ runs?”[/b] To this, the Queen shrugged. [color=708090][b]”Then, it is like you taught me… [i]more fun.[/i]”[/b][/color][/center]