[@Proleptic] While packing her clothing, she received some help, but more due to the fact that the person had thrown up and some of her clothes landed in the bile. She groaned [color=orchid]"Cretin!"[/color] [i](French: Idiot)[/i] and tossed the clothing into the backpack, not caring for the stains on them. Then it escalated. One girl seemed very eager to fight, at least verbally. She was loud, she was impolite and she sure as hell was not giving a single piece for any one in this room, the way she just threw all the others in the same pot as herself. There was also the mention of not allowing the group to leave. [color=orchid]"No! You cannot do this. This is beyond humane."[/color] Dominique blurted out her discontent for the situation at Magneto, the one she would have never trusted out of all the humans and mutants she knew. Hell, she would have handed her trust into that Trask person before even considering helping Magneto in some sort of way. [color=orchid]"If I had known, I wouldn't have taken this offer at all."[/color] The girl took a deep breath. She won't let her composure get the best of her. Otherwise, her backpack would like to toss in their own opportunity to all of this. She would prefer to keep her things in that backpack for now. Her eyes moved through the people that were gathered here. She knew by now that Nightcrawler, the [i]Blue Demon[/i], was with Magneto and so the tough guy that gave the speech that Magneto ended with his little "Disclaimer". [color=orchid]"I believe I am the only one that was offered some form of choice... Which I regret deeply"[/color], she muttered.