Grabbing the tiny safe Azai was interested in it, he held it in his hand and looked again at the top floor. Everything was destroyed, and it seems who ever lived here was long gone and traveled light with only important belongings, the traps he saw could indicate that there was a child living here, a mage child. He looked down at the safe in his hand and tried to break the lock by enhancing his hands, but the safe seemed magical too and can withstand heavy force. He placed his hand on the lock and chanted a minor decaying spell which was also resisted [i]” Figures, and if use more powerful spell on it I might ruin what’s inside. This needs a delicate touch, could Coal get it open without ruining it? But more importantly why would someone leave something like this behind after having the trouble of fortifying it like this? Well I’ll try something using more force and if it fails I’ll have to take it back to HQ “[/i] Azai was watching Coal as he was lost in thoughts, who was with all his mistakes was trying to do his best. He walked away from the closet just a couple steps and placed the safe on the ground and placed his right hand, the one that had his gauntlet, on the tiny safe. His spell monochrome was activated and he was slowly raising its strength, the lock was still unaffected by the time the ground around it started to show signs of molding and decaying, [i]” This won’t do I need to one last surge or the ground will decay and spread to the rest of the floor “[/i] Azai gave it a last surge the lock was decaying finally but it was getting harder to keep it focused on that tiny lock, he crossed his fingers and hoped this works. The lock finally broke and the wooden floor managed to stay intact somehow [b]” Coal I think I found something come take a look” [/b] He didn’t want to make Coal feel left out so he called him to join, and see what they found…