[b]Akane Hanazawa // Mirror World // Super Magical Runway F2[/b] Sunday, June 28th, 2015 As they defeated the shadow, they finally unlocked the door and moved on. It was there they found what they were looking for, if the colors and otherwise strange sight wasn't enough. [b][color=9e0b0f]"Magical girl, huh?"[/color][/b] Listening to bits and pieces of the conversation, she became a bit more interested in the fight at hand, well, the person at least. [i]Hoho, a potential new recruit for the club, eh?[/i] she pondered to herself, with it not being an appropriate thought given the current situation. As Megumi did her thing and began scanning, Rui issued out new orders. Despite being a bit annoyed at being relegated to support again, she summoned Setanta and had him cast Matarukaja again. [i]Ahhhh I want something to hit already.[/i] She complained to herself.