Her focus was fully on the figure by the building when the shadow fell upon her. Her heart sank. An ambush! Kij dug her claws into the ground, spread her legs out into a defensive position. She doubted she'd have a chance of walking away from a fight against two opponents, but she'd be damned if she didn't take one down with her. Her hand instinctively grasped the handle of her knife, she felt her claws sliding into the familiar notches along the hilt, felt the familiar texture reassure her. "Don't try anything, I'll plant an arrow in your chest before you can draw your weapon." Cool, full of malice, her voice showed none of her feelings of fear and did not betray the lie it hid - she hoped. She was loath to take her eyes away from the two figures, but the forest called to her, sang for her to turn and run into its dark safety. No, running would be like signing her own death warrant. With a roughness that could only come from a lack of practice, she pushed her scales outwards to make herself seem bigger and more threatening. The space between them seemed to fill with a waiting, uncertain air, and only with the silence did she allow herself to process what he had said. He sounded... uncertain, afraid even? It didn't make sense, unless it was an act put on to lure the unwary into a false sense of security. No, she would not fall for it! "What business is it of yours?" The words came out more as a snarl, and she took a moment to regain her control. "If you are so interested in what I am here for, you could do me the courtesy of telling me why you're lurking in the shadows at this ungodly time." A small nod, almost undetectable, signalled she was addressing the figure on the roof - "And the same goes for you."