[hider=The Celebrity][center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/75/9a/ae/759aaed7ef0b62c4a7220b7bef0f3eea.jpg[/img] [h1]Michael McCallahan[/h1] [h1]Age[/h1] 24 [h1]Gender[/h1] Male [h1]Nickname[/h1] Prettyboy (Because of his looks, and his celebrity status.) [h1]Rank[/h1] Private First Class (Scouting/Infiltration/Stealth) [h1]Psychological Analysis[/h1] [i]When you would first read Michael's name on a personnel list, you would assume that he's just another one of those actors who join the military to gain prestige, and nothing else. However, while he was forced into joining the military by the IEN (Imperial Entertainment Network, who had purchased his contract from his former employers, UE (Universal Entertainment,) he has not demonstrated any desire for promotion, any "glory hounding", nor any problems with authority, like most other young and popular actors who join. He was already a sociable person before joining, and he has, so far, gotten along with most of the squad he has been stationed with. Currently, the network is considering making a show based on his experiences, which would be both extremely popular and good for civilian morale, although we are currently unable to know how Michael himself would react. -Dr. Junko Thomas, Military Psychologist for the UEE[/i] [h1]Military Record[/h1][/center] <19:32 02.24.95> /BEGIN LOG/ 19:32 :: I don't see why any of this is necessary. 19:32 :<------ ---->: Answer the question, Major. 19:32 :: Ugh... fine. My assessment of the young Michael is that he's a decent young man, and decent soldier, not unfit for combat. Can I go back to my work, now? 19:32 :<------>: No. View this, and give a revised assessment. /TRANSCRIPT 615-ALPHA/ [i]...Michael himself came from a wealthy family, born on Terra himself, and was always interested in acting, getting a leading role on a popular show at age twelve, and from there, made several movies. He trained under some of the best physical instructors on his own time, and thus, has had the physicality necessary for the military, breezing through Basic. He got a little bit of a hard time from the other soldiers in his battalion for being an actor, but he proved himself through repeated exemplary examples in soldiery, squad tactics, and his overall affable personality. Overall.... [/i] 19:34 :<------>: Do you have anything to say about this? 19:34 :: Not really? It's a bit on the boy by the news. A bit too much like propaganda, but it seems harmless. 19:34 :<------>: It's setting up the boy as a hero of the Empire. 19:34 :: That's not my concern. What matters is if he can do his duty or not. Now can I please go to my work? 19:34 :<------>: I suppose. I'll be seeing you later, Major. /LOG ENDED/ [center][h1]Equipment[/h1] - KraftWorks Cybernetic Eye with telescopic, thermal, night-vision, and motion-tracking enhancements. - Standard combat exoskeleton (Painted in a black stealth polymer and lighter armor for quicker movement). - The Scud Booster, a rocket pack that lets Michael move incredibly quickly. Unfortunately, this pack requires him to ditch half of his ammunition, so it is not used in standard deployments, only when he is specifically on a forward scouting mission. - ACS Rifle in SpecOps Carbine mode. - Twin Silenced SN-1 Machine Pistols. - Four Electron Grenades. - 1'6" Plasma-Edged Machete. [/center][/hider] Finished.