[h3]Hellsalem’s Lot - Shotaro and Philip[/h3] [color=mediumpurple]”Oh, well that’s because we got machines that can take care of it a bunch faster,”[/color] Shotaro informed Satori, [color=mediumpurple]”I bet they keep a good amount stored up for busy hours, though.”[/color] With that bit of modern trivia out of the way, he headed over to the counter to pay up and get their order. Philip had made his way over to the table after their order was taken and came into the conversation overhearing something about Saber. Aha, some leeway for explaining time! If they were taking a break now, Philip figured he may as well have his curiosity sated and asked Satori, [color=lightgreen]”Did you say something about many versions of other people?”[/color] He took a seat opposite of her and continued, [color=lightgreen]”Well, if multiverse theory is true in regards to all of us, I imagine it might be the same for different iterations of the same person. I don’t believe it should matter too much for us, however.”[/color] His glanced curiously to Saber, [color=lightgreen]”Not unless we find ourselves in the fifth century…”[/color]