[@Athinar] I'll be completely honest with you: I'm not incredibly enthused about this character... [hider=The Things] Maybe its the whole celebrity thing, but something about this character just screams "I'm the main character!" which is very much not something I'm looking for. I'm looking for an average joe soldier, with character depth and room for development to make him/her unique and engaging, but not the constant center of attention. His personality is a vague, sorta humble, sorta I-get-along-with-everyone kinda deal, and while there is nothing wrong with being humble or amicable, his personality just seems kinda... 2-dimensional. Half of the personality blurb is just exposition from the viewpoint of another character, and while I appreciate the cleverness of making the 'psychological analysis' look like an analysis made by a doctor, there's just not enough substance in it for me to get a good picture of Michael's personality other than sorta humble, sorta agreeable. Same goes for his background information- again, the whole logged conversation thing is very clever and in character with the idea of a soldier's dossier, there's no meat in it. He was born, he did this, he joined the army, he was good at the army, now he's here. There's no substance to the tiny paragraph dedicated to his actual background. He was born on earth to a wealthy family? Cool, who is this wealthy family? what sort of power or pull do they have in the UEE? How did he become interested in acting? How did his career take off like it did? Why did he go enlisted instead of Officer Corps? How did he prove himself as a soldier? I have none of the answers to these questions, just the fact that "he did the thing" - as my longtime Falling Skies players like to say. In short, this character has no real depth to him.[/hider] @Everyone else, don't get too comfy, character reviews are on their way. >EvilLaugh.mp3