The giant needle-like swords or spears were still hovering behind Botis, ready to rain down on the people down on the ground. He looked Rico in his eyes. The eyes of the boy told him that he shouldn't kill the witch hunters, but he could see a spark there among it that really wanted them to die. Botis closed his eyes and a grin appeared on his face. "Better get out the way boy." he mumbled to himself. Botis looked up and Rico immediately dodge rolled out of the way, followed by the needles raining down on the ground. One of the witch hunters got multiple needles pierced right through his body, instantly killing him. The lifeless body fell onto the ground like a ragdoll afterwards, only being supported by the needles in his body. The other witch hunter however was a little bit more alert and managed to dodge out of the way, only being severely damaged on his right arm by one of the needles. The man grunted and fell to the ground. The area around the wound slowly started to get a purple color and his veins grew thicker. "Should I finish him off?" Lucille said with her whip ready. Rico looked at Lucille rather confused "We don't have to kill him, just leave him be." he said with an undertone of anger in his voice as well. Botis descended from the sky, and Cherub started flying next to him. "We did great didn't we." the little demon said cheerful. "Too bad someone had to die." The count chuckled. "Don't worry the other one doesn't have long to live either." he looked at the man trying to resist the force of Lucille's foot holding him down to the ground. "The other one got a good dose of my poison. You see my body is filled with poison. You humans have a majority of water in your body and I have deadly venom. Naturally it also is my specialty." he bragged "So I just transferred the poison into these needles. Botis made the the needles disappear, making the ragdoll fall on the ground. "I see. How intriguing." Lucille said. "Now we just have to wait for Ciara and Surgat to return." Rico replied.