Caractacus didn't even notice the shadow, he was too focus on studying the Slith. He hadn't met any in person, and perhaps now was the only time to take mental notes on her anatomy and physiology. She had taken an odd stance. Was it defensive? Of course! He had been all on his own outside the tavern, he must seem like some sort of creep. [color=dimgray][i]'Of course, I kind of am a creeper...'[/i][/color] he thinks, as he prepares to take a step forward, further into the light. Caractacus was interrupted when the Slith spoke up. "Don't try anything, I'll plant an arrow in your chest before you can draw your weapon." He froze. His mind started racing; should he go on the attack, with magic missiles? Or try to talk things out? If things didn't work out right here right now, it would mean back to a life of exile, something he couldn't stand. No violence then. He would formulate a response that would be both charming and disarming. As he worked out what he would say to the Stranger, she cut him off as he was about to speak. "What business is it of yours?" [color=dimgray]"Um--I--"[/color] He starts to stammer out a response, but she continued. "If you are so interested in what I am here for, you could do me the courtesy of telling me why you're lurking in the shadows at this ungodly time." She nodded upward, at something else. "And the same goes for you." Caractacus looks up. He didn't even notice the man on the roof. He couldn't have, from his original position leaned against the tavern. Perhaps he was what set her off. Caractacus sets down his staff, and raises his hands. [color=dimgray]"I-I assure you, miss, or uh, madam, or...anyways, I assure you that me and him aren't--that is, I don't kn-know who he is. I was just w-waiting here because I arrived quite early in the morning, and I, aheh, didn't want to seem r-rude by barging in to demand a room."[/color] He lets out a nervous laugh.