[h2][center][u]Nikolai Arkaden[/u][/center][/h2] Nikolai nodded. Everyone here certainly had powers. Nikolai wasnt wondering about what these other people had as powers. Though he was mildly curious, some of these people could be threats eventually. At the moment was wondering who had put them here, the people who'd taken him had been in black combat uniforms. No defined country, no logo, no insignia. This place was the same, no way to tell where the hell they were. No way to tell in who's care they were in. Some girl introduced herself then walked to the room where the younger Russian girl was. Nikolai wanted to shout at the people that were just walking off. He figured the easiest thing to do would be to introduce himself. "I'm Nikolai Arkaden," Nikolai said to the first girl he'd met, "Удовольствие встретить Вас." (Pleasure to meet you.) "I dont know why they arent more concerned," His accent thicker than molasses, "I was taken. Just trying to finish tattoo, then I got drugged and shocked. I want know where we are." His tone was noticeably agitated, he was getting more uncomfortable with being here. He didnt know these people, and he was the only one who'd displayed any kind of ability. He was starting to want to run then he wasnt where he had been. He was now in a room with a pool table, air hockey, and several chairs set around square tables. He saw a high definition television on the wall too. "Buj moi..." He said with a hand scratching his head, he quickly looked around for a door and found one that led to a hall way. He found a directory labeled in English. He cursed to himself before seeing a food icon beside one of the names, he followed the hall way before finding himself entering the cafeteria opposite where the others had entered from. "Без перевода." (God Damnit)