[@unfallenangel] Leon was now groaning for more than one reason. The first one being at the obvious pain and discomfort he was feeling and the other… the other was that he had to deal with a human on earth in order to figure out how to undo his mark of sin. His groaning dissipated when he realized she was asking him questions and, thankfully, getting her squealing friend to shut up. The only problem is that she wasn’t here alone. Getting her to leave with him would be nearly impossible. Guess it was time to swallow some pride. “I’m…” Cough, cough, “I’m Leon…” Cough, cough. Slowly and carefully he sat up, his clothes weighed so much it was to the point of discomfort but he couldn’t use his magic in front of so many people. That would just be annoying. “I… I was boating with some friends and fell off.” Boating… that’s a thing right? Humans always wished for boats so it would be understanding if he fell off of one right? Placing his hand on his head he held it there for a moment before turning his attention to the human-goddess. “If something like this happens… my friends and I made an agreement to meet back at the house… but I don’t know where we parked…” His head turned as he looked around him. There were a lot of people on the beach and parked nearby were automobiles. Maybe this girl owned one of them. His amber-hazel gaze turned back to her as he covered her hand that was on his shoulder with his own. His natural power pulsating through him and sent tingles of desire, temptation and excitement straight to her heart, though he didn’t let it last long but gave enough to make her question the feeling and hopefully seek more. “You seem so kind, thank you for helping me. I… I don’t know how far I am off course… and…everything of mine is on the boat. Can… can you give me a ride to our house?” He gave her hand a small squeeze but didn’t send any power to her but stared her down with his eyes. “I know it’s asking a lot but I have nowhere else to turn right now. I’ll make it worth your while.” Boy, that was an understatement.