[center] [h2] [color=Steelblue] Abel "Abe" Parker [/color] [/h2] [/center] He looked down at the girl, who introduced herself as Irina. [color=steelblue]"Pleasure."[/color] He said with a harsh laugh under his breath. [color=steelblue]"I'm Abel."[/color] He said, then looked around the hallway. He decided to allow the others to figure out what they were doing for themselves. He wasn't their leader, so there was no point in trying to lead them When she pointed out the guys that had walked down the hall. He contemplated his options. Honestly, he really would've preferred to go back to his room and sleep this all away. He still felt like his arms and legs were made of lead. He sighed and glanced down the hallway again. [color=Steelblue]"Nikolai, let's-"[/color] He was about to say, but the Russian had already run off. He shrugged, backpedalling and looking at Irina as he jogged backwards. [color=SteelBlue]"I guess we follow him."[/color] He said, then turned and chased after Nikolai, the girl presumably following close behind. He stopped when Nikolai halted in the doorway to a white cafeteria with an array of tables. He saw that three others had already found their way here. [color=SteelBlue]"What the heck is going on?"[/color] He muttered to no one in particular. [@HellHoundWoof] [@Wolverbells]