[center][b][h1].:*:・'゜☆ [color=f9ad81]Vermilion Middleton[/color] ☆彡[/h1][/b][/center] [sub][center][@Major Ursa][@Knight of Doom][/center][/sub] [hr][hr] Grinning as she finished singing, Vermilion did a mock bow at his compliment. [color=f9ad81]"Thank you, there'll be more where that came from. I have a tendency to sing in the shower."[/color] She returned the smile and almost raised an eyebrow when he carried one of her suitcases in. It was an act of chivalry that she had assumed died long ago. Ah, right, he introduced himself. It'd be rude to let that go unreturned. [color=f9ad81]"Vermilion Middleton, but that's probably a mouthful, so you can call me whatever you'd prefer."[/color] Pausing, she took a breath. She had a small habit of going on and on and on about things, even if they weren't really important. [color=f9ad81]"Nice to meet you properly, Luca."[/color] She chose not to comment on his singing capability, or anything that happened before he spoke up, for that matter. While she enjoyed a good joke, she didn't like them to be at the expense of someone elses comfort or dignity. Looking to the bed he'd gestured to, she made a small 'mm' and nodded. Pondering the question for a moment, she didn't have time to respond before a third person entered the room. [i]'Who tops and who bottoms,'[/i] Vermilion stifled a laugh at that. Too much partying and late-night drunk conversation had given those words a whole nother meaning. Not that she'd ever consider it, but regardless, the presumably unintentional innuendo was humerous. The person who'd entered seemed to be rather an interesting character. Their appearance was what she would call 'slightly edgy,' and perhaps even delinquent-esque. But their attitude seemed to be rather different. [color=f9ad81]"I don't mind taking either bunk, so you can pick first."[/color] She said to the person who'd introduced themselves as 'Jack'. They certainly didn't look like a Jack, but Jack they were. She took their hand eagerly, giving it a shake. The three of them were quite similar in height, which was a nice change from her dwarfling of a roommate the previous year. [color=f9ad81]"Nice to meet you, Jack!"[/color] Beaming, she continued on. [color=f9ad81]"I'm Vermilion, the guy is Luca. Do you need any help with your bags? You seemed to have a bit of trouble with one earlier. Oh, and thank you for the compliment, you're rather attractive yourself."[/color] She babbled on, inching closer to Jack as she did so, before realising what she was doing. Laughing sheepishly, she let go of their hand, realising just how close she was and how tightly she was holding it, and took a step back. [color=f9ad81]"Sorry, I get really carried away. You're both huge upgrades from my roommate last year. As far as rules go..."[/color] She looked between the two, [color=f9ad81]"Although I'm on the council, I think rules are a bit of a bore. So long as you don't mind my parties, everything else should be fine."[/color]