[@SinfulSkills] Jo looked up at her friend Carla, who was calming down slightly. The sun was high, but starting to set. His name was Leon. "Hi, Leon," She said softly and sat back on her heels." I'm Jo. This messy of a lady is Carla." She pointed over her shoulder. His hand brushed hers and sent a strong electric pull deep into her stomach and made her heart flip. She pulled back and blinked a few times. [i]Get a grip. you just pulled this guy out of the ocean. This is not the time or place,[/i] She thought and took a deep breath, trying not to seen so easily taken by Leon. Carla stood up suddenly. "I don't have my car here because I walked. How far away is your house? I've never seen you before." She started talking without taking a breath again. Jo glared at her. "I don't think he was talking to you," She snapped and pulled herself to her feet. "My jeep is parked over there." She pointed vaguely. "We can take you anywhere you need...The house, a hospital, a psych ward," She muttered under her breath. "Free of charge of course." There was something about this strange, beautiful man that sat soaking wet in front of her. "Here." She tossed him her towel and brushed the sand off of her back and legs. She held out her hand to help pull him to his feet. "It's getting dark. We should get going, especially if you're taking us on some wild goose chase." She rolled her eyes upward and laughed.