The clown was satisfied. Very satisfied. Both voices had responded in a manner that represented their nature. The human was a coward, of course, but his claim of his use of magic meant that he might be marginally useful if he were an adventurer. If he weren't, he could be bullied into following Sam anyway. The Slith was smart, too - not the sort to enjoy confrontation, and more than willing to try to make a kill even if things weren't going her way. Sam Duval slowly raised his hands outwards to the sides, palms facing the lizard to indicate that he was unarmed, and he began speaking. His voice was slightly too high pitched for his shape, and perhaps a bit too cheerful. He spoke with confidence, with a tiny hint of venom. [color=92278f]"I could ask you the same thing... And you might note that I'm not exactly hiding. I'm looking for suspicious figures, you see, and you happen to be one. Not the sort of suspicious person I would expect to be sneaking around out here - and considerably more alive - but suspicious nonetheless."[/color] Sam tilted his head, allowing some moonlight to fall across the slith, which revealed the presence of some weaponry. A hunting bow, perhaps? She hadn't attacked him yet, so she clearly wasn't a bounty hunter, but yet she was relatively well equipped. [color=92278f]"You're here about the job, aren't you...? Hm, yes, you do seem to be that sort... And you, down there. [i]'Wizard'[/i]. It's your turn to tell us why [i]you're[/i] here. The rest of it."[/color]