[center][h1][color=ed1c24]James Spinne[/color][/h1] [img]https://67.media.tumblr.com/4c7afb49132a7417bf50ac1205f0d50d/tumblr_inline_o81or5JylE1tn1507_500.gif[/img] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Roof Top [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Brenna [b][u]Mood;[/u][/b] Worried/Angry/Surrender/Hopeful/Joy/Dreary/Confused/Concerned/Shocked/... [/center] [color=ed1c24]"I'mlateI'mlateI'mlateI'mlate-"[/color] Pieces of clothing went flying in all directions as James dug through his sorry excuse for a wardrobe. He placed a tee shirt against his nose, sniffing it for cleanliness. Spinne gagged and tossed the shirt aside. [color=ed1c24]"Not you. Not you. What the hell is this? Did when I get this shirt? No. No. AGGHHHH!" [/color]He grabbed the last thing in the drawer, throwing it into the air with the burning fury of a thousand suns. [color=ed1c24]"I HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR!"[/color] He shouted. Spider-boy turned his head toward the door, where a group of three floating heads were silently observing him. [color=ed1c24]"Don't you have something better to do?!"[/color] The curious onlookers made their retreat, leaving Arachnid alone. In a pile of dirty clothes. He checked his watch, despair plain on his face. [color=ed1c24]"Brenna's gonna kill me."[/color] He moaned. James buried his head in the laundry; perhaps if he pretended to be an Ostrich, this would all magically fix itself.[color=ed1c24] [i]Ya know, this doesn't smell nearly as bad as it should.[/i][/color] The Delphina student brought his head back up, shirt still attached to his face. He pried the thing off and gave it another sniff. [color=ed1c24]"YES! CLEAN!"[/color] Overjoyed by this discovery, James immediately removed his filthy, sweat-soaked outfit and covered his [color=ed1c24][s]perfect washboard abs[/s][/color] torso in the black and red garment. Spidey moved as quickly as he could. With one hand, he started to pull on a pair of ragged jeans. With the other, he shot a web out of his spinnerets and pulled a can of spray on deodorant toward him. [color=ed1c24]"Come onnnn- stupid button...there we go!"[/color] James dashed out of his room and down the hallway, only to stop halfway there and turn around. [color=ed1c24]"I forgot my shoes!"[/color] The party was taking place on Spinne's roof; which meant he didn't have very far to run. A normal person would've taken the stairs, of course. That sounds like the most efficient way to traverse the interior of a dorm building. Oh, but James wasn't going to go charging up the stairs like a rapid animal. He knew there'd be three heroes there to stop him. Spinne was in the process of scaling the side of Mayweather Old East. An easy task for James, considering he could stick to walls. Based on what looked like a rope ladder laying on the ground below, he wasn't the first one to try this. He imagined the culprit had been successful. Boy, this is going to be fun. I hope. Is there pizza? I bet there's pizza. I love pizza. James allowed his thoughts to wander as he reached the top of the building. With one mighty pull, Arachnid cleared the half wall that kept exceptionally stupid people from accidentally killing themselves. The first thing he noticed was how bright everything was. Literally every decoration screamed happy-happy joy-joy; but what else could one expect from a Mayweather only event? [i][color=ed1c24]Better than the Delphina only Halloween parties, I guess.[/color][/i] James' mood darkened ever so slightly as he vividly recalled October of last year. [color=ed1c24][i]So much blood...I still don't know if it was fake or not.[/i][/color] The music was decent; fast paced, upbeat and exciting. It was your typical party dance music. Spinne rotated his head from left to right, scanning the roof top for his friends. The mob of party-going Mayweathers made it difficult, however. Unable to find either of the girls, he decided to slip his hand into his pocket and retrieve his cellphone. He was in the process of texting Frosty the Snowwoman when a bolt of lightning flashed across the sky, slamming down onto the roof. A roar of thunder followed moments later. [color=ed1c24][i]I wonder who did that...[/i][/color] Everyone's eyes were glued on Gianna and Samantha, James' included. He had no idea what Gia had done to piss off the Mayweather queen so badly; she didn't seem like the type to go starting fights, even with Delphina's top baddie. The two exchanged venomous words, the heat in their voices obvious. Sam definitely meant business. Yet, Gia wasn't worried at all. She had something up her sleeve. Spinne wouldn't be all that surprised if he learned this was part of some grand scheme, orchestrated by his school's elite. A number of students James recognized moved to intercept Sam before she did something she'd regret. Mitch was just there to make jokes and egg Youngblood on. Avalon appeared to be genuinely concerned for her friend- An unmistakable voice called out to Sam's right hand girl. [color=ed1c24][i]Brenna![/i][/color] James pushed his way through the crowd, following the sound of her sneering voice. If this whole thing turned sideways and a fight broke out, James wanted to be near Lancaster. [color=ed1c24][i]To, like, protect her and stuff. [/i][/color] His pushing and shoving came to an abrupt halt when Kayla ran right past him to stand between Gianna and her prey. Poor girl. She actually thinks Daniels' is in danger. Once Kayla was out of the way, Gianna went on the offensive. She struck every nerve she could with her little speech. She didn't just insult her. No, that was below the queen. Gianna used the most painful weapon of all: the truth. She pointed out Hurricane's failures and faults. How she'd broken her precious moral code. How she had risked everyone's lives for the sake of her ego. Things that would dig into a hero's very soul, making them question their every decision. The attack ended in a way James would've never suspected. It was horrible. Heart-wrenching. He wanted to tear his eyes away from the scene, but he found he could not. Gianna had used her pheromones on Will and Avalon, forcing them to...Right in front of Sam. He'd heard rumors about the senior's budding relationship with Blake; and everyone was aware of how inseparable Ava and Will were. In his short time at the academy, James had never seen Gianna go this far before. She wasn't attacking Sam physically. No, Gianna Daniels was ripping her heart asunder. And nobody was doing anything about it. Even the so called heroes were just standing there, watching. People started to leave. Sam had already run out, leaving them all covered in rain water. [color=ed1c24]"Rained out again."[/color] James' joke wasn't taken so well, given the number of middle fingers he received for it. The dispersing of the crowd was enough for Spinne to spot Brenna once more. He made his way over to her, his emotions all over the place. He couldn't explain what he was feeling. His mind was still reeling from the previous display. Mustering all of his self control, James took a step between Lancaster and the exit. His voice was calm and steady as he asked her a simple question, [color=ed1c24]"Did you know- know about all of this? That this was going to happen?"[/color]