[i]Good God almighty.[/i] Her mouth dried as he dried himself off with her towel. Another brief touch. Another pulse of electricity pulling her in. What in the world was this creature before her. She slung the towel over her shoulder and tucked her board underneath her arm. "To the jeep," she muttered and shook her head, trying to dislodge the feelings that were buzzing through her entire body. She led them to an old, worn yellow jeep with the top and sides down. She stashed her board and turned to Carla, who was biting her lip and picking at a loose strand on her swim suit. She looked over at Leon and then back to Jo, worried. She leaned in close to Jo's ear and whispered, "I have that date tonight, and I need to go get ready. But I don't want to leave you." Poor thing. She was such a big sister/best friend. On an impulse that Jo ha no clue where it came from she laughed and said, "it's fine. Go. I will call you when I'm home." She hugged her fiend and waved her on. "You are the best. I love you! You're a goddess. I will tell you everything tomorrow." She looked at Leon on last time before dashing off. "Well," Jo said and climbed into the jeep. "Where to, cast away?" She smirked at herself and her corny joke. She would take him home and that was it. End of story.