[center][h1][color=fff79a] šŸŒ¹šŸˆLuna SummersšŸˆ šŸŒ¹[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] Fixing her blonde hair into a tight braid, Luna stared into her vanity mirror. She hated who looked back at her - a girl who looked afraid of the future, who cowered in the presence of others, who stayed hidden in the shadows. This was the girl she had become during her years spent away from home. It was the girl she would become today. After spending a relaxing summer with her beloved family, it was time to return to the academy. Perhaps this would be the year? There had to be at least one person out there willing to be her friend, right? When other children asked Santa for bicycles and laptops, Luna wished for a person to call her friend. But, Luna was cursed. Taking a deep breath, she grabbed her backpack and took her time as she walked to the driveway. Two smiling parents stood waiting for her. Despite her troubles at school, Luna was grateful for the love she found at home. There was no one more caring than her mother and father. They hugged her, kissed her, loved her. At home, Luna was a well behaved, loving daughter. But, she was also a liar. Neither of her parents were aware of Lunaā€™s school life, for she constantly filled them in with lies of a cheerful and exciting school. A fake life. Luna only wished to please her parents, and they would always be worried about her if they knew. Better to leave them in the dark. The road to the academy was full of exciting banter from her mother, asking questions about her friends, any boys who caught her eye, teachers she liked. Every new school year started the same. The lies rolled of her tongue easily now. She created a world within her mind where she was popular and loved by everyone. Most of her time was spent absorbed in this dream world and she had gotten so used to it, Luna sometimes even forget about her real life. ā€œWeā€™re here, sweetheart.ā€ Parked a block away from the actual entrance, per Lunaā€™s request, they stepped out the car. Tears threatened to come crashing down, but Luna bit her lip; she was supposed to be excited for the new school year. Savoring her parentā€™s memory, Luna exchanged tight hugs and kisses before making the haunting walk to school. The day had actually come. A honk rang out in the distance as her parents drove by, waving their hands out the window. Smiling, Luna yelled out another goodbye. A few moments later and the Luna her parents knew and loved, was gone. Ten minutes of walking and Luna had made it to the academy. Students stepped out of the way as she walked, scared of touching her. New faces were confused but the whispers already beginning would soon fill them in. Sometimes she liked to imagine she was their Princess, walking to her throne room. Another dream. Ever since Luna was little, she had picked up a nasty rumor for being cursed. Things seemed to go wrong whenever she was around, although Luna used to believe it was just coincidence. It didnā€™t matter now, though. People still treated her differently. Keeping her head down, Luna made her way to the check in. Most students were going straight to their rooms to begin meeting their roommates and unpacking, but Luna didnā€™t feel like going to an empty room at the moment. Instead, she went to her secret hiding place. She knew it was probably against the rules, but she had yet to be caught for it. It was difficult dragging all of her luggage up the endless flights of stairs, but Luna didnā€™t mind it much. It would be worth it. A smile spread across her face as she opened the doors to the roof of the academyā€™s building. The blinding sun, her only friend in this lonely school, welcomed her with welcoming arms. Luna couldnā€™t explain it, but being up on high places made her feel more comfortable. She enjoyed being away from the other fearful students and the pitiful room of her dorm. Up here, she could be whoever she wanted to be. No lies, just her. Adjusting into a comfortable position, Luna pulled out her art book from her backpack and began to scribble a few sketches. As long as she had a roof and her sketchbook, life didnā€™t seem so bad.