Eve blinked as her surroundings changed, letting her face show only the slightest hints of shock. She watched the proceedings with a touch of wariness, but frowned when a boy pointed to her shoulder, glancing sideways she found that while she had been eating the dragon had migrated back to her shoulder, where it was happily cleaning it's scales. [color=ed1c24]"Wait, you can see it?"[/color] She queried, wondering if the others might be able to as well, and accidentally sending out a subconscious signal letting the [url=http://pre09.deviantart.net/82ec/th/pre/i/2013/002/b/4/discovering_a_new_world_by_cat_meff-d5q5i9f.png]small crystalline dragon[/url] become fully visible to all. [@Overlord24][@KatherinWinter][@olcharlieboi][@King Tai]