As he walked behind her he couldn’t help but grin. She was muttering to herself and obviously frazzled; this was going swimmingly. His gaze turned upwards for a moment towards the heavens. Stupid king, he’s getting what he wants that trickster that he is. Ugh, a vehicle. He couldn’t let his hesitancy show despite his complete distaste for human stuff but he stood outside the jeep waiting for the friends to finish up their conversation and continued to ring out his jacket. Dumb plane throwing him off course... then again he did find the human-goddess he was looking for. That was one perk he couldn’t deny but it still was an inconvenient way for him to go about it. But, this whole thing was just a giant inconvenience for him. When her friend called Jo a goddess his head popped looking at them in a bit of a surprise. Humans couldn’t see the stars in her eyes. No way. Shaking his head, he focused back on his jacket before slipping it back onto his large shoulders and button back up the jacket. Climbing into the jeep he buckled himself up and placed his arm onto the window, his gold insignia glistening in the sunlight. His gaze turned to her as he gave her a small smile showing his bright straight white teeth. “As a cast away you are my mermaid savior.” He began to guide her in the direction of the house. The [url=]mansion soon came into view,[/url] as they drove up the driveway. It was hard way to get there and it was a good thing she had a jeep. Once they arrived he unbuckled and reached over. Placing his hand gently on her shoulder he gave her a grin. “Thank you for your help Jo. But I do need your assistance with one more thing.” With that he brought his hand up and snapped his fingers. They were instantly transported into a [url=]luxuarious living room.[/url] Leon’s clothes were completely dry when they appeared inside and they were sitting on the couch. “Tell me goldfish, what do you know about gods?” He asked, a cheeky grin on his face as he closed the gap between them, his large hand sliding up her arm, the sensation of thousands desires rushing through her body. “The king wants me to remove my sin, simple enough. Give in to your desires goldfish and you’ll enjoy every moment of it. Then I’ll be out of your hair and back in the heavens.” His large hand traces long her arms to her neck feeling her pulse. Through that he used more of his power, the tingling session of arousal flew through her from the tips of her toes to the end of her hair on her head. A mix of comfort, pleasure and intensity rolled through her body like flames in a burning building, her imagination would momentarily begin to run while with her inner most desires playing out in the front of her mind. This should be fun!