[hider= More about me = Pointless stuff] [color=gray]"I love the stars. Hopefully they only watch me at night."[/color] [center][img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/128885096/original.gif[/img][/center] [color=gray] ╔═.♥.═════════════════════════════╗[/color] [color=gray]"Did you see what I saw in my dreams?"} [/color] [color=gray]╚═══════════════════════════════════════════════════.♥.═╝[/color] [color=gray]I am what you would call a[/color] [color=C06C84]Realistic Dreamer and Romantic[/color] [color=gray]What does that mean? Simple. I've always loved to dream. But I had already decided that my dreams wouldn't become reality. It didn't matter how many people told me[/color] [color=CC527A]"You can be[/color] [color=E84A5F]anything[/color][color=A7226E] you want in life."[/color] [color=gray]Because looking at reality, that wasn't how it worked in my eyes. You [i]could[/i] become an artist and being an artist is a wonderful thing. Especially if you can make a living off of that. [b]However,[/b] Money is extremely important in my eyes. So, since I was young, my interests in jobs were almost completely based on [/color] [color=black][b]The amount of Income that I could receive from it.[/b][/color] [color=gray]That isn't a bad thing. It isn't at all. But it isn't so great when you apply that to real life. When you get traumatized over simple things and stress over trivial matters. When you bury yourself in something and you aren't even sure[/color] [i]If you enjoy it at all.[/i] [color=gray]When nearly everything you do is based on what you [i]think[/i] your parents want and when you attempt to live up to your parents expectations but and then wonder.[/color] [color=black]"Do they even have any expectations from someone like me?"[/color] [color=gray]The[/color] [color=f6989d]realistic romantic[/color] [color=gray]comes from the fact that I have always loved romantic movies. Especially if they have comedy included in them. [b]However,[/b] I have never once thought that I deserved such a romance. Nor have I believed that they were real. Fantasies? Perhaps. Romance. Love. Lust. All of it. Is it not [i]overrated?[/i] Perhaps that is just be overthinking things once again.[/color] [color=2A363B][b]To overthink: think about (something) too much or for too long.[/b][/color] [color=gray]This is something that I do far too much in my life. Another thing that I do is Be a hypocrite. Criticism? That might as well be my middle name. As much as I wanted to act like an innocent or perhaps kind being, I knew that I was a hypocrite, insensitive, and. That's where i'll end this. Maybe i'll add more late or maybe I won't. As it says as the title of the hider, this is all pointless facts and I feel bad for you if you actually read all of that. I bid you a good day or night. [/color] [color=83AF9B][i]"Au Revoir"[/i][/color] [/hider]